- Things to be careful about when completing various notifications and procedures during pregnancy
- Types of notifications and procedures required when pregnant
- Submit pregnancy notification and receive a maternal and child health handbook
- Drinking and smoking
- Don’t run
- Be careful of infectious diseases
- Do not force yourself to drive
- Things you should do other than reporting when you find out you are pregnant
- まとめ
Things to be aware of when filing various notifications and procedures during pregnancy
Once you find out you are pregnant, you will need to make various notifications and complete various procedures, but you should be careful of the following when doing so:
- Do not drink alcohol or smoke
- Don’t run, don’t fall
- Beware of infections
- Do not overdo it when driving.
What kind of notifications you need to make when you become pregnant and how to go about them
Once you find out you are pregnant, you will need to notify your local government, company, etc., and go through the application process.
Submit a pregnancy notification and receive a maternal and child health handbook
Once you have been examined at the hospital and found out you are pregnant, go and get your Maternal and Child Health Handbook .
When should I submit my pregnancy notification?
It is best to submit your pregnancy notification by around the 11th week of pregnancy .
However, you are not required to submit a pregnancy notification. However, if you do not submit a notification, you will not be able to receive the Maternal and Child Health Handbook or a subsidy voucher for prenatal checkups, and you will not be able to receive other services such as tests for pregnant women and infants.
To ensure a safe pregnancy and birth, we recommend that you submit your pregnancy notification by around the 11th week.
Complete and submit a pregnancy notification form
Get a “Pregnancy Notification Form” from the hospital, city/ward/town/village office, or health center and fill in the required information such as your name and address.
Hospitals will usually issue it around the 11th week of pregnancy, when the baby’s heartbeat can be heard .
If you are filing the report at your local city/ward office or health center, inquire in advance where the counter is located, and then fill out and submit the form at the counter as soon as you find out you are pregnant.

Get your Maternal and Child Health Handbook
If you submit a pregnancy notification form to your city/ward/village office or health center, your pregnancy will be recognized by the local government, and you will be given a maternal and child health handbook and prenatal checkup subsidy vouchers.
Apply for the Childbirth and Childcare Lump Sum Grant and Childbirth and Childcare Additional Grant
Giving birth is very expensive, but there are systems in place to cover some of the costs if you go through the necessary procedures. Make sure to properly notify the authorities and take advantage of any systems that are available to you.
However, the amount paid will vary depending on the local government and the hospital where you give birth.
What is the Lump Sum Childbirth and Childcare Grant?
The lump-sum childbirth and child-rearing allowance is a system that covers approximately 400,000 yen of the costs associated with childbirth.
You will receive 420,000 yen per child, or 404,000 yen if you give birth at a hospital that is not affiliated with the obstetric medical assistance system.
What is the maternity and childcare surcharge?
The childbirth and childcare supplement is a system that provides several tens of thousands of yen in addition to the childbirth and childcare lump-sum payment. However, because each health insurance association and other organizations have their own medical insurance systems, the amount varies and there are cases in which the supplement is not paid.
I will explain in detail how you should be careful.
Drinking alcohol or smoking
When you tell your partner or parents about your wedding, be careful not to get into a celebratory mood and start drinking heavily. Of course, you should also limit your regular drinking habits.
Also, smoking is not good for your baby, so if your partner, parents, or family members smoke, ask them to quit or smoke somewhere else when you become pregnant.
Pregnant women should also not smoke, as it can hinder the healthy growth of the baby in the womb.
Doesn’t run
When you register your pregnancy, your belly is still small, so many people will say, “It’s fine to run or walk briskly like normal!”
However, if you were to fall, it would be serious, and during pregnancy it is easy to become anemic and your body becomes tired easily.
If you are using public transportation to submit your notification, please allow yourself plenty of time and be careful not to run or trip and fall.
Beware of infections
Pregnant women often have weakened immune systems and are at risk of contracting infectious diseases. For this reason, it is important to avoid crowds as much as possible .
Please take sufficient precautions, such as wearing a mask, washing your hands and gargling thoroughly, and using public transportation outside of rush hour.
Make sure you drive safely
During pregnancy, you are more likely to suffer from anemia, get tired more easily, and experience other physical changes such as drowsiness due to hormones. Therefore, it is important to be careful when driving a car.
If you are driving by yourself, please be careful. If possible, it is best to drive with your partner or family members.
Things you should do in addition to notifying your pregnancy when you find out you’re pregnant
When you find out you are pregnant, the first thing you need to do is to report your pregnancy. However, there are a few other things you should do besides reporting it, so we’ll introduce them here.
Make a reservation for the hospital where you will give birth
Make a reservation for the hospital where you will give birth.
Discuss with your family whether you want to give birth at a hospital in your area or at your hometown. Then, check whether there is a hospital that will accept you for delivery and make a reservation.
In recent years, the number of medical institutions that can deliver babies has been decreasing. As a result, they may be fully booked, and you may have to struggle to find a hospital when the birth is approaching.
To avoid this, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible after you find out you’re pregnant.
Pregnant women who are working must also notify their employer.
Pregnant women who are working must also notify their employer.
Maternity and childcare leave procedures
Notify your employer of your pregnancy and begin the process of applying for maternity leave (maternity leave) and childcare leave (childcare leave). Maternity leave and childcare leave are available not only to full-time employees, but also to part-time and temporary workers. Please consult with your employer.
Procedures for exemption from social insurance premiums
Social insurance premiums (health insurance, employee pension insurance, employment insurance) that are deducted from your salary by your employer will be exempted during maternity leave and childcare leave. Please check with your employer.

Thinking about NIPT (New Prenatal Testing)
NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing) is a type of prenatal testing that can tell you about the condition of your baby in the womb and checks for chromosomal abnormalities.
NIPT (new type prenatal testing) is performed by taking a blood sample from a pregnant woman and has the following benefits:
- Testing can be done simply by taking a blood sample
- It can reduce the risk of miscarriage
- Excellent as a screening test (high accuracy / sensitivity of 96.5% for chromosome 21, specificity of 99.9%)
- Testing can be done early in pregnancy (from the 10th week and 0th day of pregnancy) (at Hiro Clinic, testing can be done once a heartbeat has been confirmed)
- No age limit
- You can get tested even if you are not accompanied by your spouse
- If you wish, you can also tell us the gender.
In this way, NIPT (new type prenatal testing) is a test that can reduce the risk of miscarriage compared to amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling, and its great advantage is its high accuracy.
And it can detect chromosomal abnormalities in your baby very early on in the pregnancy.
However, while some people say that undergoing NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing) will enable them to know that there are no chromosomal abnormalities and allow them to live their pregnancy with peace of mind, there are also cases where unwanted results may occur.
Therefore, if you are going to undergo NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing) , you will need to have a thorough discussion with your partner about what to do if the test result comes out positive.
When it comes to prenatal diagnosis, many people may think of it as a “choice of life.”
However, since NIPT (new prenatal testing) can detect abnormalities in the baby at an early stage, it can also be thought of as “allowing us to prepare for the birth of our baby from an early stage.”
We explained the types of documents that need to be submitted and the procedures for filing when you find out you are pregnant, as well as NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing) that can be taken during the early stages of pregnancy .
You are not required to submit a pregnancy notification, but by doing so you will be able to receive a maternal and child health handbook and receive a variety of other services.
When it comes to NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing) , it is important to have a thorough discussion with your partner not only about whether or not you want to take the test, but also about what to do after you find out the results.
If you decide to have the test, it needs to be done by around the 15th week of pregnancy , so make an appointment as soon as possible after you find out you are pregnant.
Once you find out you are pregnant, you will have to report and complete various procedures.
Some people may think it seems difficult, but by going through the procedures and thinking about the future, you will feel more and more like you are becoming a mother.
Please feel free to refer to the information introduced in this article.
- SCSK Health Insurance Association – Apply for Lump Sum Childbirth and Childcare Grant/Maternity Allowance
Article Editorial Supervisor

Dr. Kunihiko Shiraogawa
Head Doctor of Hiro Clinic NIPT Nagoya
Certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
As an obstetrician/gynecologist with nearly 40 years of extensive experience, he has worked with many pregnant women.
Currently, as the head doctor of Hiro Clinic NIPT Nagoya , he is in charge of NIPT testing, and also provides consultations to pregnant women online at all Hiro Clinic NIPT clinics in Japan.
Brief History
1982 – Aichi Medical University Hospital
1987 – OB/GYN, Kagoshima University Hospital
1993 – Head Doctor, Shiranogawa Clinic
2011 – Kaba Memorial Hospital
2019 – Okamoto Ishii Hospital
2020 – Head Director, Hiro Clinic NIPT Nagoya