About Maternity Mark【Supervised by doctor】

Summary of this article

A maternity mark is worn by pregnant and postpartum women to be recognized as such by those around them, making it easier to show consideration for pregnant women. Maternity marks are available for free from local governments along with maternity notebooks. It’s also worth asking at places like railway company counters, as they may distribute them for free.

The gender of the fetus is known at 10 weeks.


When pregnant, many expectant mothers are troubled by morning sickness and physical discomfort. They may also ponder whether to wear a maternity mark, where to obtain one, and when to start wearing it. This time, we’ll explain about maternity marks.

What is a Maternity Mark?

A maternity mark is a symbol worn by pregnant and postpartum women to help others recognize their status and show consideration for them more easily. Various entities such as transportation systems, workplaces, restaurants, and public institutions display initiatives and messages through posters to promote creating a supportive environment for pregnant and postpartum women.

Typically, the design follows guidelines set by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. To ensure wide usability across private and governmental sectors, the copyright belongs to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and commercial use is prohibited.


When Did Maternity Marks Start?

In 2006, the design of the maternity mark was determined through public solicitation during the “Healthy Parents and Children 21” promotion study group. Maternity marks, which began in 2006, are distributed along with maternity notebooks by local governments. Distribution started in the Kanto region’s railway companies in August 2006 and in the Kansai region’s railway companies in March 2013.

Why Were Maternity Marks Created?

When it’s not obvious from appearance that someone is pregnant, there can be issues like feeling uncomfortable asking for a seat on the train or being bothered by cigarette smoke. Maternity marks were created to make it easier for pregnant women to receive consideration from those around them during these early stages of pregnancy when it may not be obvious.

There’s no problem with wearing a maternity mark at any stage of pregnancy. It’s perfectly fine to start wearing it as soon as you find out you’re pregnant.

What Types of Maternity Marks Are There?

There are several types of maternity marks available.

Chain Straps, Key Holders

Many maternity marks come with a chain strap or key holder, allowing them to be attached to bags or personal belongings. There are types with the mark only on one side and others with the mark on both sides. The type with the mark on one side allows for the mark to be hidden when turned over, making it convenient for situations where you only want to use it when necessary.

Sticker Type for Cars, Magnet Type

There are also maternity marks available in sticker type for cars and magnet type.

By placing a maternity mark on a car, it not only conveys a message to other drivers about driving safely but also serves the purpose of notifying others in case of emergency that the driver is pregnant.

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Where Can You Get Maternity Marks?

Some pregnant women may feel anxious about where they can obtain maternity marks. In fact, maternity marks can be obtained from various places.

How to Obtain Maternity Marks

When you find out you’re pregnant, you’ll receive a maternity notebook from the local government. In many cases, you can also get a maternity mark for free along with the maternity notebook. Additionally, some railway companies may also distribute them for free at their counters, so it’s worth asking. To prevent misuse of maternity marks, in some cases, you may be asked to present your maternity notebook.

Furthermore, family members may also be eligible for distribution, not just pregnant women.

Places to Get Maternity Marks

Here are the main places where you can obtain maternity marks.

At the Time of Maternity Notebook Issuance (Each Municipality)

You can receive maternity marks in the municipality (place of residence) where you currently live. Along with the maternity notebook issued upon submission of the pregnancy notification, you can also receive a maternity mark. Depending on the municipality, there may be options such as stickers or key holders.

Various Railway Companies

The distribution targets are pregnant and postpartum women and their families. Distribution locations include station offices and customer service centers.

Magazine Supplements

Maternity marks accessories may also be included as supplements in magazines sold at bookstores. The designs may vary depending on the release date, ranging from stylish to cute designs, including heart-shaped ones, providing a variety of options for enjoyment.

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Should You Wear a Maternity Mark?

Many pregnant and postpartum women cite wanting support from those around them as the main reason for wearing maternity marks. Other reasons include wanting others to know they are pregnant in case of emergencies.

Some pregnant women may be unsure about when to start wearing a maternity mark. However, wearing it during the early stages of pregnancy when the belly is not yet prominent may be more effective.

Percentage of People Who Wear Maternity Marks

There is a survey indicating that approximately 82.5% of pregnant women wear maternity marks when going out, while around 17.5% do not.

Survey by Pigeon Corporation, 2020

As such, maternity marks, which began in 2006, are now worn by many pregnant women.

Advantages of Wearing Maternity Marks

Maternity marks can be said to have two main advantages.

The first is to make it easy for people around pregnant and postpartum women to recognize them when they go out. When they feel unwell, for example, those around them can notice and offer assistance. In emergencies, paramedics and rescuers can provide appropriate care and assistance to pregnant and postpartum women, leading to the protection of both mother and baby.

The second advantage is their usefulness during the early stages of pregnancy when the belly isn’t yet prominent. They can be helpful during times of discomfort such as morning sickness, allowing for consideration from others and the ability to secure a seat or sit comfortably in priority seats without worry.


Disadvantages of Wearing Maternity Marks

Harassment Arising from Envy

It seems that some people, perceiving maternity marks as a display of happiness or boasting, may subject pregnant women to harassment.

Trouble Over Priority Seats

There are various perspectives on priority seating depending on factors such as pregnancy experience, presence or absence of morning sickness, gender differences, age groups, and physical reasons. Pregnant women may have different experiences depending on whether they had little or severe morning sickness. Some pregnant women have reported experiences such as being sighed at, receiving sarcastic remarks, or being subjected to verbal abuse when they stood in front of priority seats.

Incidents Targeting Pregnant Women

A few years ago, an incident occurred where a man in his 50s was arrested on suspicion of assault for kicking the abdomen of a pregnant woman in her 20s on the street. The pregnant woman, who was seven months pregnant and accompanied by her 7 and 5-year-old children, was walking when the man accused her of blocking the road and kicked her abdomen. It was a deliberate act knowing she was pregnant. There is a tendency for such harassment to occur less frequently when the pregnant woman is accompanied by a partner or a male companion, and it’s likely that these incidents are carried out by taking advantage of the vulnerable position of the victim.

It’s unclear if the victim of this incident was wearing a maternity mark. However, it’s worth considering that by making their pregnancy known to those around them, pregnant women may unfortunately become targets of discomfort or hostility from some insensitive individuals. This could be considered a disadvantage of wearing a maternity mark.

Misunderstandings Regarding Maternity Marks

These disadvantages arise from misunderstandings about the purpose of maternity marks, such as being perceived as a way to receive priority seating on public transportation or as a display of happiness during pregnancy. It’s important for people to understand that maternity marks are not simply for making others aware of their presence, but rather for informing those around them that they are pregnant in case of emergencies. It’s crucial to ensure that people understand this distinction and purpose correctly.

Is Wearing a Maternity Mark Anxious?

In a survey conducted by Pigeon Corporation in 2020 titled “Pregnant Friends with Papa,” one in three respondents reported feeling anxious about wearing maternity marks. This seems to be largely influenced by exposure to certain incidents or troubles through the media.

On the other hand, when asked if they had experienced anything positive or pleasant while wearing maternity marks, 63% of respondents answered affirmatively.

They mentioned instances such as being offered a seat on the train, having store clerks carry heavy items for them at the supermarket, and receiving warm words of congratulations or encouragement.

Furthermore, in a survey of non-pregnant individuals, approximately 90% expressed a willingness to offer support when they see someone wearing a maternity mark.

Survey by Pigeon Corporation, 2020

Looking at the results of this survey, it’s evident that only a very small minority of the general population holds negative impressions of maternity marks.

However, if you feel resistant to wearing a maternity mark, it may be beneficial to carry one with you so that you can easily access it in case of emergencies.

Is It Okay to Park in Wheelchair Marked Parking Spaces If You Have a Maternity Mark?

The commonly seen wheelchair symbol is officially known as the “International Symbol of Access.” It was established by the International Rehabilitation Association in 1969 and is a universally recognized symbol indicating that buildings or facilities are accessible to people with disabilities.

According to the Japan Council on Disability Rehabilitation, which manages the symbol domestically, it “refers to people with disabilities in general. We do not consider it applicable to pregnant women.”

However, the reality seems to vary depending on the situation. While there are moral arguments for allowing pregnant women and the elderly to use these facilities, there is no clear line drawn. Instances have been reported where pregnant women parked in spaces marked with wheelchair symbols have been subjected to insensitive remarks. Efforts are currently underway to address these situations and improve awareness.

If You’re Pregnant, Consider Getting NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing)

NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing) is one of the prenatal screening tests. It assesses the risk of chromosomal abnormalities by measuring fragments of fetal DNA floating in the mother’s blood, obtained through a blood sample.

At Hiro Clinic NIPT, testing can be performed as soon as pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound examination. Additionally, the test for Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) has a sensitivity and specificity of 99.9%, making it highly accurate. However, NIPT is ultimately an inconclusive test, so if a definitive diagnosis is desired, confirmatory tests such as amniocentesis are necessary.

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Explained the origins, acquisition methods, and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of maternity marks based on their composition and survey data.

There still seems to be a gap in perception between expectant mothers and the general public regarding maternity marks. However, making others aware of one’s pregnancy is crucial for protecting lives, especially in emergencies.

Instead of solely relying on the impression of “harassment exists” from certain news, it’s essential for expectant mothers to wear maternity marks. Moreover, by ensuring that those around understand the meaning of maternity marks, we can strive to create an environment that is considerate towards expectant mothers.

Article Editorial Supervisor

Dr Hiroshi Oka

Dr Hiroshi Oka

NIPT specialist clinic, MD

Graduated from Keio University, School of Medicine



  1. 染色体異常の種類について