Request for Review

To request a review, please download the following file, fill in the required information, and submit it by e-mail, fax or mail.

Please note that it may take some time to complete the screening process due to procedures such as contract signing, payment, and confirmation of the contents of the screening documents. Please allow plenty of time for review.

*If the method of cell processing and the method of administration are different, it is necessary to prepare a regenerative medicine provision plan for each of them.

Applications must be submitted by the institution providing the regenerative medicine, etc. only. Applications by agents other than administrative scriveners may not be accepted.

*If you have any questions about the status of acceptance for initial review, please contact us at the following.

Phone number: 080-5025-5786 (dedicated number)

Review Fee Schedule

🔸Type 1 and Type 2 Review 🔸
Item Review Fee (Tax included)
Preliminary Review ¥66,000
New Review ¥550,000
Change Review ¥330,000
Continue Review ¥275,000
Periodic Report ¥220,000
Diseases, etc. Review ¥220,000
Prompt Review ¥220,000
🔹Type 3 Review🔹
Item Review Fee (Tax included)
Preliminary Review ¥66,000
New Review ¥220,000
Change Review ¥165,000
Continue Review ¥55,000
Periodic Report ¥110,000
Diseases, etc. Review ¥110,000
Prompt Review ¥110,000
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