Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I don’t know which type of regenerative medical technology applies.

A. Please refer to the risk classification (see diagram below) provided by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (click to enlarge). If you are unsure, please contact the relevant Health Bureau or this committee. Our organization is capable of reviewing all cases of Type 1, 2, and 3.

※ Regarding “homologous use,” this refers to the administration method of cells with similar functions to cells in the target area for regenerative medical treatment. For example, if adipose cells are harvested from the abdomen and adipose tissue-derived stem cells are isolated from those cells, and then administered to the site of breast cancer surgery for breast reconstruction purposes, this qualifies as homologous use. However, administering adipose tissue-derived stem cells intravenously for the purpose of treating diabetes does not qualify as homologous use because it is not for the reconstruction of adipose tissue. Additionally, regarding medical techniques using peripheral blood without centrifugation and cultivation, for example, administration to the skin or oral cavity qualifies as homologous use, but administration to tissues with poor blood flow such as joint cavities does not qualify as homologous use. (Excerpt from Director’s Notice No. 1031 dated October 31, 2014, from the Health Policy Bureau)

Q. Are there any templates or examples for regenerative medical service plans and accompanying documents?

A. Regenerative medical service plans can be created at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s Various Application Form Creation Support Site. For instructions on formatting and accompanying documents, please refer to the explanatory materials provided by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

Q. What are the costs and timeframes for the review process?

A. For detailed information regarding costs, please inquire directly.

Q. Should regenerative medical service plans be submitted by each medical institution or for each regenerative medical service provided?

A. Regenerative medical service plans need to be created for each type of regenerative medical technology. Therefore, if a medical institution offers multiple types of regenerative medical services, it must submit a regenerative medical service plan for each type. Additionally, even for the same purpose, if there are different methods of cell processing and administration, a separate regenerative medical service plan is required for each. Moreover, even if the methods of cell processing and administration are the same, if there are multiple target diseases, separate plans may be required for each disease.

Q. By when do I need to submit the regenerative medical service plan?

A. If conducting regenerative medical services for the first time, it is necessary to submit the regenerative medical service plan to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare or the Director of the Local Health Bureau after obtaining the opinion of the Certified Regenerative Medical Service Committee.

Q. I want to make changes to the regenerative medical service plan, but I’m not sure if it qualifies as a minor change.

A. Please contact the relevant Health Bureau or our organization for inquiries.

Q. I forgot the password for the various application form creation support site.

A. If you forget the password for the various application form creation support site, please contact the email address listed at the bottom of the site at the following URL, providing the necessary information.

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