Technical advances in DNA prenatal parentage testing.

Summary of this article

DNA prenatal paternity testing (NIPPT) has made great strides in recent years due to technological innovations. The technique is widely recognized as a means of confirming parent-child relationships during pregnancy that is not burdensome to the mother or foetus. This article details the technological advances in DNA prenatal parentage testing and discusses the background and future prospects.

What is DNA prenatal paternity testing?-Basic mechanics and benefits.

DNA prenatal paternity testing is a non-invasive testing method that confirms the parent-child relationship by taking a blood sample from the mother and analyzing the foetus’ DNA in the sample. This technique is rapidly gaining popularity due to its low risk to the mother and foetus and high accuracy compared to traditional invasive methods (amniotic fluid and chorionic villus tests).

1. basic mechanics of DNA prenatal parentage testing

DNA prenatal paternity testing is performed by analysing the foetus’ extracellular DNA (cfDNA) present in the mother’s blood.This cfDNA is passed from the placenta into the mother’s bloodstream and can be detected from around the sixth week of pregnancy.Analysis of this DNA provides genetic information on the foetus and enables confirmation of the parent-child relationship.

2. The benefits of DNA prenatal parentage testing

The main advantage of DNA prenatal parentage testing is its non-invasiveness. Conventional methods require the use of needles to collect amniotic fluid and chorionic villi, which carries the risk of miscarriage and infection. DNA prenatal paternity testing, on the other hand, can significantly reduce these risks as it only requires a blood sample from the mother. It is also considered a very reliable testing method, as it can confirm parent-child relationships with an accuracy of more than 99%.

Technical advances in DNA prenatal parentage testing.

The technology of DNA prenatal paternity testing has made significant advances in recent years. This has expanded the accuracy and scope of the test and allowed it to provide more information. The following section looks in more detail at technological advances in DNA prenatal paternity testing.

3. Introduction of next-generation sequencing (NGS)

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is at the heart of technological advances in DNA prenatal paternity testing; NGS is a technology that enables fast and accurate analysis of vast quantities of DNA fragments, thereby enabling detailed investigation of foetal cfDNA.Whereas previous technologies focused on specific genes and markers, the introduction of NGS has enabled a much wider range of genetic information to be obtained.

4. Improved inspection accuracy

The introduction of NGS has further improved the accuracy of DNA prenatal paternity testing.This has significantly reduced the incidence of false positives and false negatives and has resulted in more accurate results.In addition, with the evolution of NGS, minute genetic mutations and abnormalities can now be detected, and the application of NGS is expanding to the risk assessment of genetic diseases as well as parent-child relationships.

5. Developments in multiplexing technology

The development of multiplexing technology has also contributed significantly to the technological advances in DNA prenatal parentage testing.Multiplexing technology is a technology that analyses multiple genes and DNA markers simultaneously, which has dramatically increased the amount of information that can be obtained in a single test.This improves the efficiency of testing and enables results to be provided quickly.

6. Expansion of the scope of inspection

Technological advances in DNA prenatal paternity testing have significantly expanded the scope of testing.Traditionally used primarily to confirm parent-child relationships, it is now also being applied to determine the sex of the foetus and to assess the risk of certain genetic disorders.DNA prenatal paternity testing is also playing an increasingly important role as part of prenatal diagnosis, as more chromosomal and genetic abnormalities can now be detected.

7. Automation and the use of AI

Technological advances in DNA prenatal parentage testing include automation and the use of artificial intelligence (AI).Automation of the testing process has reduced human error and improved the accuracy of test results. In addition, AI-based data analysis has enabled faster and more accurate results. This reduces the cost of testing and makes DNA prenatal paternity testing available to more pregnant women.

8. Reduced analysis time

Technological advances have also significantly reduced the analysis time for DNA prenatal paternity tests.Whereas with conventional technology it could take several weeks to obtain test results, in an increasing number of cases results can now be provided within a few days.This enables pregnant women to obtain results quickly and take appropriate action.

9. Lower costs.

As technology has evolved, the cost of DNA prenatal parentage testing has decreased. This has enabled more pregnant women to undergo testing without feeling an economic burden. In addition, the expansion of insurance coverage and the introduction of subsidized schemes by medical institutions are also contributing to the increasing popularity of DNA prenatal paternity testing.

The future of technological advances in DNA prenatal parentage testing.

Further technological advances in DNA prenatal paternity testing are expected to continue to develop.In the following, we discuss how future technological advances will affect DNA prenatal parentage testing.

10. contribution to personalized medicine

Technological advances in DNA prenatal paternity testing are also contributing to the development of personalized medicine. Early acquisition of genetic information on the fetus makes it possible to provide the most appropriate medical treatment for pregnant women and fetuses, thus realizing more personalized care. It is also expected to enable the development of treatments based on genetic information and the proposal of risk-based preventive measures.

11. Integration with gene editing technologies

As gene editing technologies such as CRISPR develop, they may be integrated with DNA prenatal paternity testing techniques.This foresees a future in which the risk of certain genetic diseases can be identified in advance, and the health of the foetus can be monitored and interventions can be made if necessary.However, this requires careful discussion, as ethical issues and legal restrictions are involved.

12. Global dissemination and improved access

Technological advances in DNA prenatal parentage testing are expected to make the test accessible to pregnant women worldwide. In particular, it is expected to improve the health care of pregnant women and their unborn children by making it easier and cheaper to use, even in areas with limited medical resources. The widespread adoption of DNA prenatal paternity testing as a standard prenatal diagnosis will also contribute to reducing global health inequalities.

13. Addressing ethical and legal issues

With the technological advances in DNA prenatal parentage testing, ethical and legal challenges have also emerged.In particular, issues such as selective abortion using foetal genetic information and gender selection are being debated in society.In order to address these issues, ethical guidelines and legal regulations must be developed along with technological advances.


DNA prenatal paternity testing is a revolutionary technology for confirming parent-child relationships during pregnancy, and its technological advances are enabling increasingly accurate and rapid testing. With the introduction of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and AI, DNA prenatal paternity testing can now provide a wider range of genetic information and is increasingly being applied not only to confirm parent-child relationships, but also to assess foetal health and risk of genetic diseases.

It is expected that further advances in DNA prenatal paternity testing technology will open up new possibilities, such as integration with personalized medicine and gene editing technology. At the same time, it is important to consider how DNA prenatal paternity testing can benefit the health care of pregnant women and their unborn children, while paying attention to the ethical and legal challenges associated with technological advances.

While there are high hopes for the future brought about by the technological advances in DNA prenatal paternity testing, its use requires careful decision-making.In order to understand the technological advances and maximise their benefits, it is essential to cooperate with medical institutions and provide appropriate information.DNA prenatal paternity testing is an important means of confirming parent-child relationships during pregnancy, and we hope that its technological advances will provide peace of mind and safety to even more pregnant women in the future.



Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor