How many SNPs are needed for SNP-only prenatal paternity DNA testing?

This is from A theoretical base for non-invasive prenatal paternity testing (Shengjie Gao etc Forensic Science International Volume 346, May 2023, 111649) The data is taken from the article .

The third and second numbers from the left in the table above are the most important.

CPI; ability to detect how much of a real father he is.

CPE; ability to rule out how many fake fathers

They say that if both of these are 100%, they are as close to correct as possible.

The leftmost column states that 5000 SNP locations need to be examined.In this paper, the authors also look at 5000 SNP locations.

It means that a considerable number of SNPs have to be examined. HIRO Clinic uses STRs as well as SNPs, so that even a small number of SNPs can be accurately differentiated.

For more information on how many STRs you have to look up, click here.

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor