DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing Procedure and Flow

Summary of this article

DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing (NIPPT) is a new technology that analyzes fetal DNA to confirm parentage, and it is gaining attention as a means to clarify the genetic connection between the mother and fetus during pregnancy. This method is significantly less risky compared to traditional invasive methods, making it a highly attractive option. This article will provide a detailed explanation of the procedure and process of DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing, the scientific foundation behind it, and future prospects.

What is DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing?

DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing (NIPPT) is a technique that uses the mother’s blood to analyze the DNA of the fetus to confirm the parent-child relationship with the potential father. During pregnancy, the mother’s blood contains a trace amount of fetal DNA, and by analyzing this DNA, the genetic information of the fetus can be accurately determined. Compared to conventional methods such as amniocentesis and chorionic villus examination, DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing poses significantly less risk to the mother and fetus, and for this reason many couples are considering it as an option.

History and Scientific Foundations of DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing

The technology of DNA prenatal parent-child identification began in 1997 with the discovery that fetal DNA was present in the mother’s blood. The scientific basis of DNA prenatal testing is supported by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology, which is capable of analyzing detailed genetic information from even the smallest DNA sample.

Advantages of DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing

The advantages of DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing can be summarized as follows

  1. Safety: No invasive procedures are required, as only a sample of the mother’s blood is drawn. This reduces the risk of miscarriage and infection to almost zero.
  2. Early Implementation: Can be performed from the 6th week of pregnancy onward, allowing for early decision-making as results are available early in the pregnancy.
  3. High accuracy: DNA prenatal paternity testing can confirm parent-child relationships with extremely high accuracy, and the possibility of misclassification is extremely low. Using the latest genetic analysis technology, an accuracy rate of 99.99999999999% or higher can be expected.

DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing Procedure at Hiro Clinic

The DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing proceeds as follows

  1. Booking
  2. Consultation with a physician
    Prior to undergoing the test, a consultation with a physician will take place. At this stage, the purpose and methods of the test, the implications of the test results, and possible risks and limitations will be explained in detail. It is also recommended that an informed decision be made as to whether or not to undergo testing.
  3. Blood Sampling
    Approximately 20 ml of the mother’s blood is collected. The collected blood contains the mother’s DNA and fetal DNA, which are separated and used for analysis. The blood collection, like a normal blood draw, takes only a short time and requires no special preparation.
  4. Genetic Analysis
    The blood sample is sent to a specialized genetic analysis laboratory where the fetal DNA is analyzed using next-generation sequencing technology. At this stage, the DNA is compared with that of the prospective father to determine if there is a parent-child relationship.
  5. Reporting of Results and Counseling
    Results are usually sent by e-mail in about 10 days. The results can be explained by the physician. Support will be provided throughout the consultation so that you can calmly deal with any unexpected results.

Cost and Insurance Coverage of DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing

The cost of DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing reflects the complexity of the test and the sophistication of the genetic analysis technology, and generally ranges from 100,000 to 200,000 yen in Japan. Since DNA prenatal testing is a new technology, it is not covered by health insurance. It is a self-funded test. At Hiro Clinic, there is no charge for the preliminary consultation.

Importance of DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing as an option

DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing is an important option for many couples who have concerns during pregnancy. This safe and highly accurate technique is a reliable means of early confirmation of parent-child relationships, and when considering DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing, it is recommended that couples consult thoroughly with a trusted medical provider or specialist to determine the best timing and method for the test.

Hiro Clinic’s DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing

Hiro Clinic’s DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing (NIPPT) is available at the industry’s lowest price at Hiro Clinic’s directly managed locations nationwide. Testing can be done from the 6th week of pregnancy onward, and the process is completed in a single visit, minimizing inconvenience. If a retest is necessary, it will be conducted free of charge, so you can rest assured. Additionally, tests are conducted at the Tokyo Sanitary Laboratory, which has over 50,000 cases of prenatal testing experience, ensuring reliable results. However, both partners are required to visit the clinic to ensure the most accurate test results. For more information, please check here and make your reservation or inquiry.

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor