Reputation and evaluation of prenatal paternity assessments.

To find out about the reputation of prenatal paternity testing, you can try the following methods

  1. Official websites of appraisal organizations and clinics
    Most appraisal organizations have customer testimonials and reviews on their websites. You can also find out more about the tests and their reliability. Beware of over-advertising. There are limits to testing. It is a good idea to have a good description of what can and cannot be done.
  2. Review and review websites
    General review and review websites (e.g. Google Reviews, Trustpilot) can confirm the reputation of a particular appraisal organisation. Testimonials from people who have actually used the service can be helpful.
  3. Social network ing sites and forums
    You can find real feedback from users on social networking sites and online forums such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Reddit. Searching for keywords such as ‘prenatal paternity testing’ or’ DNA testing’ can help you find feedback from people who have actually used the service.
  4. Recommendations from medical institutions
    Your doctor or genetic counsellor may be able to refer you to a reliable appraisal agency.Institutions recommended by medical institutions are often reliable.
  5. Law firm partners
    Where appraisals are carried out for legal purposes, there are a number of DNA testing agencies that work in partnership with law firms.Legally reliable appraisal agencies can check their reputation and track record through lawyers.
    It is important to use these sources of information to select a reliable institution.
  6. Whether the company is ISO certified. It is important to know whether the company has been assessed through a third-party organisation.
  7. Whether it is a public institution. It is safer to be registered with a hygiene laboratory, for example, as it is audited by a health authority every two years, so its quality is always guaranteed.



Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor