Costs and insurance coverage of DNA prenatal parentage testing.

Summary of this article

DNA prenatal paternity testing (NIPPT) is a technique that uses the mother's blood during pregnancy to analyze the foetus' DNA and confirm the parent-child relationship. Because of its safety and high reliability, DNA prenatal paternity testing has become the method of choice for many families. However, this advanced technology comes at a cost, and many people are concerned about the burden. It is also important to know whether insurance coverage is available. This article details the cost and insurance coverage of DNA prenatal paternity testing and provides useful information for those considering testing.

Basic costs of DNA prenatal parentage testing

Cost of DNA prenatal paternity testing.

The cost of a DNA prenatal paternity test varies depending on the medical institution carrying out the test and the content of the test, but generally costs between JPY 200,000 and 300,000.This cost includes the entire process, including blood sampling, extraction and analysis of foetal DNA and reporting of the results. Some healthcare organizations may also offer optional additional genetic testing or special analysis methods, which may cost more.

Factors affecting costs.

The cost of DNA prenatal parentage testing varies depending on a number of factors. For example, the location of the medical institution conducting the test, its technical facilities and the expertise of its staff. Costs may also vary depending on the accuracy of the test and the speed with which results are reported. In addition, the number of weeks of pregnancy being tested and the health of the mother may also affect the cost.

Cost of DNA prenatal parentage testing and comparison with other prenatal tests.

Cost comparison between DNA prenatal paternity tests and other prenatal paternity tests

DNA prenatal paternity testing is characterised by its lower risk and lower burden on the mother and foetus compared to conventional invasive prenatal paternity testing (amniotic fluid testing and chorionic villus testing).However, in terms of cost, DNA prenatal paternity testing is usually more expensive. For example, amniotic fluid and chorionic villus tests are often available for between JPY 100,000 and JPY 200,000, which is somewhat cheaper than the cost of DNA prenatal paternity tests.

Value and cost-effectiveness of DNA prenatal parentage testing.

While the cost of DNA prenatal paternity testing is high, it has the significant advantage of posing no risk to the mother or foetus. When safety during pregnancy is a top priority, the cost of a DNA prenatal paternity test provides full value for money. In addition, DNA prenatal paternity testing is a cost-effective option for those who wish to confirm parent-child relationships at an early stage, as it can be undertaken as early as the beginning of pregnancy.

DNA prenatal paternity testing and insurance coverage status.

Current insurance coverage.

At present, DNA prenatal paternity testing is not covered by insurance in Japan in principle. This is because the DNA prenatal paternity test is basically intended to ‘confirm the parent-child relationship’ and is not recognized as medically necessary in many cases. Therefore, it is common for a DNA prenatal paternity test to be carried out at the full cost of the patient.

Reasons not covered by insurance.

One of the reasons why DNA prenatal paternity testing is not covered by insurance is that the purpose of the test is not medical, but focuses on confirming the parent-child relationship.Another reason is that DNA prenatal paternity testing is still a new technology and its dissemination and recognition is insufficient.Furthermore, as medical insurance coverage varies from country to country and is determined on the basis of each country’s medical policy and ethical considerations, insurance coverage in Japan is an issue for future consideration.

Insurance coverage abroad.

In some countries and territories, DNA prenatal paternity tests are covered by insurance under certain conditions. For example, in the USA, DNA prenatal paternity tests may be covered by insurance only if there is a recognized medical need in some states. Also, in some European countries, DNA prenatal paternity testing may be insured in cases of high risk of genetic disorders. In these countries, DNA prenatal paternity testing is recognized as part of medical care, which may result in reduced costs.

How to reduce the cost burden of DNA prenatal parentage testing.

Using medical expense deductions

DNA prenatal paternity testing is not covered by insurance, so the cost burden is usually high. However, in Japan, it is possible to get a refund for part of the costs by using the medical expense deduction. The medical expense deduction is a system that applies when annual medical expenses exceed a certain amount, and the cost of a DNA prenatal paternity test may be eligible. This can reduce the tax burden and reduce the actual costs.

Credit card instalment payments

If the cost of a DNA prenatal paternity test is too high to pay at once, you can choose to pay by credit card instalments. Many medical institutions accept credit card payments and by choosing to pay in instalments, you can reduce your monthly outgoings while still being able to afford the test. Paying attention to interest rates and fees and splitting the cost within a reasonable range for the family budget can reduce the burden.

Offering instalment payment plans

Some medical centers offer instalment payment plans for the cost of DNA prenatal paternity tests. This reduces the cost burden and makes the test affordable. Some instalment plans also offer lower interest rates or no interest, so it is advisable to check the details with your healthcare provider and choose the payment option that suits you best.

Health insurance associations and company benefits

Health insurance unions and some companies may offer subsidies or grants for medical services received by employees and their families; if the cost of a DNA prenatal paternity test is expensive, these benefits may be able to cover part of the cost. Before taking the test, it is a good idea to check your insurance association’s or company’s benefits scheme to see if there are any subsidies or grants available.

Points to consider when considering DNA prenatal paternity testing.

Choose a medical institution with credibility and a proven track record.

As DNA prenatal paternity testing is a highly technical test, it is important that it is carried out by a reliable and proven medical institution. It is recommended that you research the reputation and track record of the medical institution to check the accuracy and reliability of the test as well as the cost. It is also important to fully consult with a doctor or specialist before undergoing testing to choose the best option for you.

How to receive test results and follow-up

It usually takes two to three weeks for the results of a DNA prenatal paternity test to be reported. The response and follow-up after receiving the results is also important. It is important to choose a healthcare provider that can respond promptly if there is any doubt about the results or if additional tests are required. It is also advisable to take into account the impact of the test results on the family and society and to seek professional advice.


DNA prenatal paternity testing is a safe and reliable paternity testing method for pregnant mothers, and its cost and insurance coverage should be considered. Currently, in Japan, as it is not covered by insurance, it is common for the full amount to be paid out-of-pocket, but it is possible to reduce the cost burden by making use of medical expense deductions and instalment payments. In addition, as insurance coverage may be available under certain conditions in other countries, the most appropriate choice must be made according to the situation in each country.

When considering DNA prenatal paternity testing, it is recommended that it is carried out at a reputable medical institution.It is also important to gather sufficient information on testing costs and insurance coverage details in advance and consult a specialist if necessary.Thus, DNA prenatal paternity testing is a testing method that, thanks to technological advances, offers new options and peace of mind to many families.



Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor