Benefits and Process of NIPPT: Prenatal Paternity Testing from Maternal Blood Samples

Summary of this article

NIPPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Testing) is an advanced testing method that uses a sample of the mother's blood to analyze the genetic information of the fetus to confirm paternity.NIPPT has many advantages over traditional invasive methods because it can safely and accurately determine paternity from the earliest stages of pregnancy.This article provides an in-depth professional perspective on the specific benefits of NIPPT, the process, comparisons to other paternity testing methods, ethical issues, and future prospects.

What is NIPPT?

NIPPT is a method of determining parent-child relationship by extracting fetal free DNA (cffDNA) from the mother’s blood and comparing it to the DNA of the potential father. The test can be performed after the ninth week of pregnancy and is attracting attention as a highly safe test because it poses almost no risk to the mother or fetus. This test is superior to conventional paternity testing methods in the following ways

  1. HIGH SAFETY: Because NIPPT uses a maternal blood sample, it avoids invasive techniques such as amniocentesis and chorionography. This greatly reduces the risk of miscarriage and infection.
  2. Early paternity: While traditional paternity tests are usually performed only in the second trimester of pregnancy, NIPPT can be performed from the 9th week of pregnancy, allowing for early confirmation of paternity.
  3. High accuracy: Using the latest DNA analysis technology, NIPPT is capable of determining paternity with an accuracy of over 99.9%.This high accuracy provides peace of mind for the families tested.

The NIPPT Process

The NIPPT process involves the following series of steps. Each step in this process is highly technical and guarantees the accuracy of the inspection results.

  1. Blood sampling: The test begins with the collection of approximately 10-20 ml of blood from the mother. This blood contains a small amount of free fetal DNA (cffDNA).
  2. DNA Extraction: The process involves the separation of free DNA from the blood sample collected. This process uses state-of-the-art molecular biology techniques to clearly distinguish maternal DNA from fetal DNA and extract pure DNA.
  3. DNA Analysis: Advanced genetic analysis techniques are used to compare the extracted fetal DNA with the DNA sample of the potential father. This analysis looks for specific genetic markers to establish paternity. This allows for a very high degree of accuracy in determining parent-child relationships.
  4. Reporting of results: Test results are usually reported within two to three weeks. The report will include detailed information on whether or not a parent-child relationship has been established and its reliability. The results provide very important decision-making information for the family.

Advantages of NIPPT

NIPPT offers many advantages over other methods of parent-child evaluation, including the following. These advantages make NIPPT an ideal option for many families.

  1. Non-invasive and low-risk: Unlike invasive techniques such as amniocentesis and chorionography, NIPPT requires only a blood sample from the mother and carries no risk of miscarriage or infection. Therefore, it is considered to be extremely safe for the mother and fetus during pregnancy.
  2. Highly Accurate Results: NIPPT is extremely accurate due to advances in DNA analysis technology. This high accuracy greatly improves the reliability of test results and provides peace of mind for families. Specifically, NIPPT is able to determine paternity with greater than 99.9% accuracy.
  3. Early testing is available: NIPPT can be tested from the 9th week of pregnancy onward, allowing for early confirmation of parent-child relationships. This is extremely beneficial for early family planning and important decisions. Early confirmation of the parent-child relationship can reduce the psychological burden and allow necessary preparations to be made earlier.
  4. Reduced Stress: The non-invasive nature of NIPPT reduces the anxiety pregnant women have about the pain and risks associated with the test. The physical and emotional stress associated with invasive procedures, a major problem with traditional methods, is greatly reduced with NIPPT.
  5. Early family planning: Early identification of the parent-child relationship allows families to make the necessary preparations and plans early. This includes financial preparation, legal procedures, and even arranging psychological support. Based on early results, appropriate action can be taken and important decisions can be made smoothly for the family。

Comparison of NIPPT and Other Paternity Testing Methods

NIPPT has many advantages over traditional paternity testing methods. In particular, NIPPT has distinct advantages over other methods in terms of safety, early feasibility, and high accuracy.

  1. Comparison with am niocentesis and chorionography: Amniocentesis and chorionography are commonly used techniques to obtain fetal genetic information, but these methods are invasive and carry the risk of miscarriage and infection.In addition, these methods usually have the limitation that they can only be performed after the 15th week of pregnancy.In contrast, NIPPT is non-invasive and can be performed after the 9th week of pregnancy, allowing for earlier and safer testing.
  2. Compare with postnatal DNA testing: While postnatal DNA testing is the standard method for confirming paternity, NIPPT allows families to prepare earlier because results are available before birth.This facilitates post-natal legal proceedings and family planning.An additional advantage is that NIPPT is non-invasive and therefore carries little or no risk associated with the test itself.
  3. Accuracy and Reliability Comparison: NIPPT is known for its very high accuracy, but other methods also have different levels of accuracy. For example, amniocentesis and chorionography also provide highly accurate results, but are invasive and therefore risky. On the other hand, postnatal DNA testing is relatively low-risk but has the disadvantage of not providing early results compared to NIPPT.

Limitations and Ethical Challenges of NIPPT

While NIPPT is a very good testing method, there are some limitations and ethical challenges.It is important to understand these challenges.

  1. Technical Limitations: Although NIPPT is highly accurate, 100% certainty is not guaranteed.In particular, in very rare cases, the results may be indeterminate due to the low percentage of fetal DNA in maternal blood.Therefore, if the NIPPT result is indeterminate, additional testing may be recommended.
  2. Ethical Issues: While NIPPT results can be very important information for families, the ethical issues associated with them must also be considered. For example, the impact of the NIPPT results on family relationships or the psychological burden of knowing the results should be fully considered. In addition, it is important to seek appropriate counseling before undergoing testing, and careful consideration should be given to the social and ethical implications of the results.
  3. LEGAL ISSUES: The results of the NIPPT may also affect legal proceedings. For example, confirmation of the parent-child relationship may affect issues related to legal custody, property division, and child support decisions. Therefore, it is necessary to fully understand and prepare in advance how to legally utilize the results of the NIPPT.
  4. INFORMATION PRIVACY: Genetic information obtained by NIPPT is very important data that involves personal privacy. You should be fully aware of how this data will be protected and how it will be used prior to undergoing testing. Particular care should be taken regarding how information is provided to third parties and how data is stored.

Future Prospects for NIPPT

Further technological advances in NIPPT are expected to expand the scope of its applications. In particular, the following areas of development are expected

  1. Early Detection of Genetic Disease: Currently, NIPPT is primarily used to confirm parent-child relationships, but in the future it may be applied to early detection of genetic disease and assessment of genetic risk. This will provide families with more information about the health of the fetus and allow them to take appropriate action at an early stage.
  2. Increased accuracy due to technological advances: DNA analysis technology is constantly evolving, and the accuracy of NIPPT is expected to improve even further. In particular, the detection rate of fetal free DNA will improve, which will lead to more reliable results. This will make NIPPT an attractive option for even more families.
  3. Reduced Cost: Currently, NIPPT is a relatively expensive test, but as the technology becomes more widely available, the cost is expected to decrease and become more readily accessible to a wider audience. This could make NIPPT more widely available and establish it as a common method of paternity testing.
  4. Development of Legal and Ethical Guidelines: As the use of NIPPT expands, it is anticipated that legal and ethical guidelines will be developed. This will create an environment in which families using NIPPT will receive appropriate counseling and be able to properly understand and utilize the test results. It is also expected that standards for data handling and protection will be strengthened in terms of privacy protection.
  5. International dissemination and standardization: NIPPT is currently widespread in a few countries and regions, but we anticipate that in the future it will be standardized internationally. This will allow families around the world to use NIPPT to the same standard and make parent-child relationship verification more universal. Furthermore, the development of guidelines tailored to each country’s legal system and culture will further promote the use of NIPPT.


NIPPT is a safe and highly accurate test method for confirming parent-child relationship using maternal blood. It has many advantages over traditional methods of paternity testing, including the ability to test as early as the first trimester of pregnancy, thus confirming the parent-child relationship at an early stage. In addition, NIPPT is non-invasive and poses minimal risk to the mother and fetus.

On the other hand, there are limitations and ethical challenges to NIPPT, and these challenges require appropriate counseling and legal guidelines. It is hoped that technological advances will continue to improve the accuracy of NIPPT and reduce its cost, thereby making this test available to even more families.

It is important to continue to monitor the evolution of this technology in order to maximize the benefits of NIPPT and to make optimal decisions for the family. It is important to continue to monitor the evolution of this technology in order to maximize the benefits of NIPPT and make the best decisions for families.




Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor