How should I consider the possibility of pregnancy if I have had sexual intercourse with more than one man?

How long is it safe to have intercourse with more than one man at a time?
In terms of reassurance, if there are multiple sexual partners, it must be confirmed that there has been no sexual intercourse with other men during the cycle when pregnancy is possible in order to determine with certainty that a particular man is the father. Ideally, only having sexual intercourse with one partner during the period of possible pregnancy (around the day of ovulation) will facilitate identification of the father.

However, in practice, it is difficult to say how long between sexual acts is enough to be ‘safe’.Identifying the date of ovulation and avoiding the period around it can reduce the risk of any hesitation in identifying the father, but it does not guarantee complete peace of mind.If the interval between sexual intercourse is short, scientific methods such as prenatal paternity DNA testing may have to be resorted to.

Women are most likely to become pregnant around the day of ovulation.Generally, the period from approximately five days before to one day after ovulation is the most fertile.This period is called the ‘fertile window ‘. Sperm can survive in the body for up to five days, so even if sexual intercourse occurs a few days before ovulation, pregnancy is still possible.

Ovulation itself usually occurs approximately 14 days before the expected start of the next menstrual period, but it varies widely between individuals and can also vary from month to month. Therefore, the exact date of ovulation can be determined by using an ovulation test kit or by measuring basal body temperature. If the date of ovulation can be identified, the chances of conception can be increased.

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor