Can I have a DNA test secretly?


It is illegal to investigate secretly without the other man’s knowledge.By secretly, we mean only to people who are not related to either party.

Whether DNA testing can be carried out ‘secretly’ YES OR NO?

DNA testing is widely used to clarify questions of parent-child or blood relationship.Many people want to carry out the test in privacy, without family members or acquaintances knowing about it.

Cases where covert appraisal is possible.

  1. If done without the knowledge of others not participating in the appraisal:.
    • We consider your privacy to be of the utmost importance to us and have implemented the following initiatives
      • Inspection kits received at post offices nationwide.
      • Test kits are delivered in envelopes marked ‘catalogue’.
      • Possible to change the name of the shipping agent.
      • Enquiries about orders are handled by the client only.
      • Results can be viewed on an ID and password-protected customer page .

Cases where covert appraisal is not possible.

  1. If done without telling those taking part in the appraisal:.
    • The consent of the subject is essential for the test and unauthorised DNA testing is prohibited by law.For example, when requesting a prenatal paternity test, the explicit consent of the alleged male father is required.


When carrying out a DNA test, the consent and privacy of all parties involved must be protected. If you are considering a ‘surreptitious’ DNA test, please contact us first. We will be happy to provide you with appropriate advice for your situation.

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor