Time schedule from conception to prenatal paternity test

The following is a timetable and things to think about from the time of conception to the time of prenatal paternity testing, so that you can proceed with confidence and be prepared.

NIPPTNIPTAmniotic DiagnosisAbortion for internal useAbortion
4th week of pregnancyperiod of study (investigation)period of study (investigation)period of study (investigation)possibleSurgical possibilities
妊娠6週checkablecheckableperiod of study (investigation)possibleSurgical possibilities
妊娠9週checkablecheckableperiod of study (investigation)possibleSurgical possibilities
妊娠15週checkablecheckablecheckableunlikelySurgical possibilities
妊娠20週checkablecheckablecheckableunlikelySurgical possibilities
妊娠20週以降checkablecheckablenon-inspectableunlikelySurgery is impossible.
NIPPT: prenatal parent-child identification, NIPT: prenatal diagnosis

First trimester (4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy)

Things to consider.

  • Pregnancy confirmation: once pregnancy is confirmed, the first step is to see a doctor to ascertain the number of weeks of pregnancy.
  • Establish the need for paternity testing: if you decide that you need to identify the father, gather information about prenatal paternity testing as soon as possible. You have two weeks before the test starts, so fully consider where to test, whether to test and what to test for. If you are at Hiro Clinic, appointments can be obtained online, so please book in advance.
  • Time schedule
  • Early pregnancy medical checks: to ensure that the pregnancy is normal and to check the health of the mother and foetus.This includes ultrasound and blood tests.
  • Research DNA testing agencies: research reputable agencies that carry out testing and check their methods, costs and timeframes for results.

From 6th week of pregnancy

Things to consider.

  • Consider non-invasive prenatal paternity testing (NIPPT): from the sixth week of pregnancy onwards, non-invasive prenatal paternity testing can be performed as foetal DNA can be detected in maternal blood. This method is generally recommended because of its low risk to the mother and foetus.
  • Time schedule
  • Counselling and consultation: at the laboratory, you will be counselled about the testing process, the reliability of the results and legal issues.Procedures and consent to obtain a DNA sample from the father are required.
  • Preparation for DNA sample collection: a blood sample from the mother and a DNA sample (usually saliva or cells from the oral cavity) from the suspected father.Samples can be collected from 6 weeks of pregnancy onwards.

Test conducted (from 6 weeks’ gestation onwards).

Things to consider.

  • Performing the test and waiting for results: after the test is performed, it usually takes two to three weeks to receive the results.Results may be available online.
  • Time schedule
  • Receive results: once the results are received, review the results with your doctor or specialist and, if necessary, discuss future actions and legal procedures.

Subsequent actions.

Things to consider.

  • Outcome-based responses: depending on the outcome, consider how to resolve family and legal issues.For example, consult with lawyers and experts on legal responses (e.g. recognition, child support, etc.) if the father is recognised.
  • Time schedule
  • Legal procedures and support: where necessary, be prepared to receive legal support to carry out procedures relating to recognition and child support.


When considering a prenatal paternity test, a non-invasive test that can be carried out after six weeks of pregnancy is commonly used.Early selection of an assessment organisation and counselling will help the process to proceed smoothly.It is also important to carefully consider the response to the results and to obtain legal support if necessary.



Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor