Meaning of appraisals in laboratories registered as hygiene laboratories.

Being registered as a hygiene laboratory means that the laboratory meets certain standards.The main differences when compared with non-registered bodies are the quality of testing, reliability and legal validity.The differences depending on whether the laboratory is registered as a health laboratory are explained in detail below.HIRO CLINIC conducts inspections at a registered laboratory called Tokyo Hygiene Kenjo.We offer you a reliable and trustworthy service.

1. Legal standards and regulations

  • Registered sanitary laboratory:.
  • Standards: bodies registered as hygiene laboratories comply with the standards and regulations set by law. This means that the accuracy of the equipment used for testing, the hygiene of the premises and the reliability of the testing techniques are guaranteed.
  • Regular audits: hygiene laboratories are regularly audited to ensure that they meet standards.This ensures that reliable inspections are carried out.
  • Legal validity: test results carried out by health laboratories can be used as legal evidence.For example, the results of paternity tests and health checks under the Occupational Health and Safety Act are considered legally valid because they are reliable.
  • Not registered Institution:.
  • Unclear standards: unregistered bodies are not legally regulated or supervised, so it is unclear whether the testing equipment and methods they use meet standards.This can lead to unreliable test results.
  • No audits: non-registered laboratories are not regularly audited, which often means that they are not checked to ensure that inspection accuracy and the condition of their equipment is maintained.
  • No legal validity: for tests where legal validity is required (e.g. paternity tests or health checks for workers), test results from non-registered institutions may not be legally recognised.

2. Quality management

  • Registered sanitary laboratory:.
  • Quality control system: hygiene laboratories have a quality control system in place to ensure the accuracy and reproducibility of test results.This means that specimens are handled, instruments calibrated and test results evaluated according to standardised procedures.
  • Technician qualifications: technicians working in health laboratories have certain qualifications and training and are familiar with inspection tasks.This improves the accuracy and reliability of inspections.
  • Not registered Institution:.
  • Uncertainty of quality control: in unregistered institutions, quality control may not be thorough. There is a risk of inaccurate test results if there is inadequate specimen handling and equipment accuracy control.
  • Unclear qualification requirements for technicians: in unregistered bodies, it is unclear whether technicians have the appropriate qualifications and training.This can lead to questions about the accuracy and reliability of inspection results.

3. Reliability and accuracy of test results

  • Registered sanitary laboratory:.
  • High reliability: tests carried out by registered hygiene laboratories meet legal standards and are subject to strict quality controls, making the test results extremely reliable.
  • Ensuring reproducibility: the testing process is standardised to ensure that the same specimen can be tested again with virtually identical results.
  • Not registered Institution:.
  • Potential for unreliability: unregistered institutions may not guarantee the reliability of test results.Results may be inaccurate if the equipment or procedures used are not appropriate.
  • Uncertainty of reproducibility: if the testing process is not standardsed, retesting the same specimen may produce different results, which raises reliability issues.

4. use as legal evidence

  • Registered sanitary laboratory:.
  • Recognized legal evidentiary capacity: paternity tests and other test results carried out by health laboratories can be used as legal evidence. For example, test results can be submitted as valid evidence in court cases to prove parent-child relationships or in proceedings concerning child support.
  • Not registered Institution:.
  • Possibility of inadmissibility as legal evidence: test results carried out by unregistered institutions may not be valid as legal evidence.They may not be admissible, especially in court or official proceedings.

5. cost and ease of use

  • Registered sanitary laboratory:.
  • High quality but can be costly: hygiene laboratories invest in equipment and technology to meet standards, so their testing costs may be higher than those of non-registered bodies.However, they are more reliable and legally available, making them an appropriate option when required.
  • Not registered Institution:.
  • Easy and inexpensive: unregistered agencies often offer simple and inexpensive paternity and DNA tests. However, they may not be of high quality or reliability and cannot be used as legal evidence, so a decision must be made according to the purpose.


Institutions registered as hygiene laboratories meet strict legal standards and are superior in terms of reliability, quality control and legal validity of test results.It is recommended to choose an institute registered as a sanitary laboratory when providing legally valid evidence or when reliable tests are required.

On the other hand, non-registered agencies often offer tests for personal purposes or for casual inspection and may not be able to use them as legal evidence. Where reliability and accuracy are important factors, it is safer to choose a registered body.

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor