What are the advantages and disadvantages of conducting a paternity test during pregnancy?

Summary of this article

Paternity testing during pregnancy provides valuable information in various situations. For example, confirming the father before birth allows for the early establishment of the parent-child relationship. However, this test also has disadvantages, such as mental stress, ethical issues, and financial costs. Taking these pros and cons into account, let’s take a closer look at the options and impacts of conducting a paternity test during pregnancy.

Several advantages to conducting a paternity test during pregnancy

Early Confirmation

If there are doubts about the parent-child relationship, conducting the test during pregnancy allows for the confirmation of who the father is before the child is born. This makes it possible to establish the parent-child relationship before birth.

Mental Peace of Mind

Once paternity is confirmed, the relationship between the potential father and the mother may improve, providing mental stability. Additionally, resolving uncertainty can reduce stress and anxiety within the family.

Legal Preparation

If the parent-child relationship is confirmed, legal procedures can be prepared before the child is born. This includes processes like recognition of paternity and addressing future issues such as custody and child support.

Medical Reasons

If there is a risk of certain genetic disorders being passed from the father to the child, paternity testing can identify this risk in advance, allowing for the preparation of necessary medical measures.

To fully benefit from these advantages, it is important to consult with doctors and experts and conduct the paternity test in an appropriate manner. Ethical considerations are also required, and the consent of all involved parties is necessary.

What are the disadvantages?

Mental Stress

If the results of the paternity test differ from expectations, it can cause significant stress or conflict within the family. Especially if the results do not align with family expectations, the impact can be immeasurable.

Ethical Issues

Conducting a paternity test during pregnancy can be subject to ethical debates. In particular, social consensus is needed on how to consider the rights of the future child and the authority of parents in making decisions related to the child.


Paternity tests can incur high costs. Especially if the test is conducted safely during pregnancy, the technical requirements may increase the cost further.

Considering these disadvantages, it is recommended to decide whether or not to conduct a paternity test after thoroughly evaluating its necessity, risks, and ethical considerations.

Hiro Clinic’s DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing

Hiro Clinic’s DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing (NIPPT) is available at the industry’s lowest price at Hiro Clinic’s directly managed locations nationwide. Testing can be done from the 6th week of pregnancy onward, and the process is completed in a single visit, minimizing inconvenience. If a retest is necessary, it will be conducted free of charge, so you can rest assured. Additionally, tests are conducted at the Tokyo Sanitary Laboratory, which has over 50,000 cases of prenatal testing experience, ensuring reliable results. However, both partners are required to visit the clinic to ensure the most accurate test results. For more information, please check here and make your reservation or inquiry.

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor