Accuracy and Reliability of DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing

Summary of this article

Prenatal DNA paternity testing (NIPPT) is an innovative technology used to confirm the parent-child relationship between the fetus and the potential father, and its accuracy and reliability have garnered attention. Compared to traditional invasive testing methods, NIPPT offers the advantage of being highly safe and can be performed early, while boasting extremely high accuracy. This article provides a detailed explanation of the accuracy and reliability of NIPPT, along with the scientific basis and key points for interpreting the test results.

What is Prenatal DNA Paternity Testing?

Prenatal DNA paternity testing (NIPPT) is a test that confirms the parent-child relationship by extracting the fetal DNA from the mother’s blood. This technology can be performed from the 10th week of pregnancy onwards and provides accurate results without posing any risk to the mother or the fetus. In addition to verifying the parent-child relationship, DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing is also used to detect genetic abnormalities in the fetus at an early stage.

Accuracy of Prenatal DNA Paternity Testing

Prenatal DNA paternity testing (NIPPT) involves extracting the fetal DNA from the mother’s blood to confirm the parent-child relationship. This technology can be performed from the 10th week of pregnancy onwards and provides accurate results without posing any risk to the mother or the fetus. Besides confirming the parent-child relationship, DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing is also used for early detection of fetal genetic abnormalities.

Role of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is an essential technology in prenatal DNA paternity testing. NGS analyzes DNA in great detail and processes a vast amount of genetic information in a short time. This technology makes it possible to confirm a high-precision match between the fetal DNA and the potential father’s DNA. Compared to traditional DNA sequencing, NGS has greatly improved both analysis speed and accuracy, resulting in highly reliable prenatal DNA paternity testing.

Ensuring Accuracy in the Prenatal DNA Paternity Testing Process

To ensure the accuracy of prenatal DNA paternity testing, strict procedures are followed throughout the entire testing process. First, the mother’s blood is collected and sent to a specialized testing facility, where fetal DNA is extracted. At this stage, advanced techniques are used to accurately separate the fetal DNA from the mother’s DNA. Subsequently, the next-generation sequencing performs a detailed analysis of the DNA to determine the existence of a parent-child relationship.

Throughout this process, utmost care is taken in the extraction, analysis, and interpretation of the DNA to ensure the accuracy of the test. Testing facilities are operated by staff with cutting-edge technology and high expertise, ensuring that the results of prenatal DNA paternity tests are reliable.

Reliability of Prenatal DNA Paternity Testing

Prenatal DNA paternity testing excels not only in accuracy but also in reliability. Reliability refers to the ability of the test to consistently provide accurate results. The reliability of prenatal DNA paternity testing has been proven through numerous studies and actual test results.

Scientific Evidence Supporting the Reliability of Prenatal DNA Paternity Testing

The reliability of prenatal DNA paternity testing is backed by scientific research. In many clinical trials, DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing has demonstrated very high accuracy and reliability, providing nearly definitive results in confirming parent-child relationships. These studies have laid the foundation for the widespread adoption of prenatal DNA paternity testing in the medical field, offering reassurance to those undergoing the test.

Furthermore, since prenatal DNA paternity testing is a non-invasive test, it is highly regarded for its reliability in not posing risks to the mother or fetus. Traditional invasive testing methods come with the risk of miscarriage or infection, leading to anxiety about the procedure. However, with DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing, these risks are nearly eliminated, making it a safe test for pregnant women.

Interpretation and Reliability of the Results

While the results of prenatal DNA paternity testing are highly reliable, interpreting them requires expert knowledge. The results are reported as positive (parent-child relationship confirmed) or negative (parent-child relationship denied), but these outcomes are based on a certain probability. For instance, a positive result indicates that the parent-child relationship is confirmed with over 99% accuracy, but there remains a slight chance of error. Therefore, when receiving test results, it is important to consult with a doctor or genetic counselor to accurately interpret the results and decide on the next steps.

Limitations and Considerations of Prenatal DNA Paternity Testing

While DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing is a highly accurate and reliable test, there are some limitations that should be understood to appropriately interpret the results.

1. Multiple Pregnancies

DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing boasts very high accuracy in single pregnancies, but in cases of multiple pregnancies (such as twins or triplets), the interpretation of the test results may become more complicated. When multiple fetuses are present, their DNA may mix in the mother’s bloodstream, making it difficult to accurately determine the parent-child relationship. Therefore, in cases of multiple pregnancies, it is necessary to consult with a doctor and carefully interpret the test results.

2. Maternal Genetic Abnormalities

While DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing is primarily used to analyze fetal DNA, certain genetic abnormalities in the mother can affect the test results. For example, if the mother has a mosaic genetic abnormality, the fetal DNA may mix with the mother’s DNA, leading to inaccurate results. In such cases, additional testing or specialized genetic counseling is recommended.

3. Rare Genetic Abnormalities

DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing is primarily used to confirm parent-child relationships and detect common genetic abnormalities, but its sensitivity to very rare genetic abnormalities is limited. In the case of rare abnormalities, DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing may not detect them, so other specialized genetic tests may be necessary. Therefore, even if the DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing result is negative, it is important to undergo further testing if needed.

Future of Prenatal DNA Paternity Testing and the Evolution of Its Reliability

With technological advancements, the reliability of DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing is expected to improve further in the future. The continued development of next-generation sequencing technology and the introduction of new analysis algorithms will enhance the accuracy of the tests, allowing for the analysis of even more genetic information.

Additionally, as the cost of DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing decreases and more pregnant women can access the test, societal trust in this method is likely to grow. As a result, DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing will become increasingly prevalent and play an essential role in confirming parent-child relationships and monitoring the health of fetuses.


DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing is a highly reliable test that allows pregnant women and their families to safely and accurately confirm the parent-child relationship. Its accuracy is supported by advanced DNA analysis using next-generation sequencing technology, and compared to traditional invasive testing methods, it is significantly lower risk and can be performed with greater peace of mind.

However, DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing also has limitations and considerations, so it is important to seek professional support and carefully respond to the results when receiving them. As DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing technology continues to evolve, its reliability will increase, making it an indispensable prenatal test.

Understanding and appropriately utilizing the accuracy and reliability of DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing will allow for a more reassuring pregnancy experience.

Hiro Clinic’s DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing

Hiro Clinic’s DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing (NIPPT) is available at the industry’s lowest price at Hiro Clinic’s directly managed locations nationwide. Testing can be done from the 6th week of pregnancy onward, and the process is completed in a single visit, minimizing inconvenience. If a retest is necessary, it will be conducted free of charge, so you can rest assured. Additionally, tests are conducted at the Tokyo Sanitary Laboratory, which has over 50,000 cases of prenatal testing experience, ensuring reliable results. However, both partners are required to visit the clinic to ensure the most accurate test results. For more information, please check here and make your reservation or inquiry.

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor