30% of applicants are male.

NIPPT 出生前親子鑑定の申込書について

Data showing that men account for approximately 30% of applicants for prenatal paternity testing reflect the need for men to confirm their parent-child relationship at an early stage. Reasons for men to apply for prenatal paternity testing include the following

  1. Establishment of Legal Responsibility: In order to clarify his legal responsibilities as a father (e.g., payment of child support), a man may wish to establish the parent-child relationship at an early stage.
  2. Uncertainty in the relationship: trust issues in the partnership and the thought that another man may be the father may cause the man to want to know quickly if he is the biological father.
  3. For psychological stability: Some men seek psychological stability by establishing prenatal parent-child relationships. Early confirmation that he is the biological father of the child makes it easier for him to plan for the future.
  4. Family planning decisions: some men want to clarify the relationship before birth because uncertainty about the parent-child relationship can affect family life after birth.

These trends indicate that male involvement is important in the prenatal parentage process.

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor