What acknowledgement is made by the father?

Acknowledgement is the process by which an unmarried father legally acknowledges that the child is his. Once recognition has taken place, the child’s legal parent-child relationship with the father is established and the child has rights such as child support and inheritance rights. There are three forms of recognition: voluntary recognition, which is done voluntarily by the father; compulsory recognition, which is done by the mother or child petitioning the court; and prenatal recognition, which is done before the child is born</a12>, which takes place before the child is born.

  1. Voluntary acknowledgement: Voluntary acknowledgement of a child by the father. Voluntary recognition refers to the act of a father voluntarily recognizing a child. It involves the father formally recognizing the child as his own through a legal process. Once voluntary recognition has taken place, the child has legal rights and support obligations to the father.
  2. Forced recognition: the mother or child petitions the court to have the father recognized. Forced recognition is a procedure whereby a mother or child files a petition with the court to have the father legally acknowledged as the father when the unmarried father does not recognize him as his own child. This gives the child legal rights, such as the right to receive child support from the father and inheritance rights. Usually The parent-child relationship is proven through a DNA test or other means, and a court decision is obtained.
  3. Prenatal recognition: The father personally recognizes the child before it is born. As with postnatal recognition, the child will have legal rights.
    The procedure for prenatal recognition is as follows
    • Where to report: to the municipal office.
    • Documents required:.
    • Acknowledgement session
    • Father’s seal.
    • Mother’s written consent (if required)
    • Family registers of the father and mother
    • How to submit: complete the documentation and submit it to the town hall.
    • Confirmation: recognition is only granted after the documents have been verified.
    • When prenatal recognition takes place, the child’s parent-child relationship with the father is legally recognized at birth.

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor