What is the probability of positive paternal rights?

Probability of Paternity (PP) refers to the probability that a DNA paternity test indicates the likelihood that a particular male is the biological father of a child. It is a statistical value calculated based on the results of the test and used to assess whether a parent-child relationship exists. This value is only calculated when the father is determined to be the father. On the other hand, when paternity is denied, the probability of paternity denial is stated in the expert report.

Calculation of the probability of positive paternity.

The probability of positive paternity is usually calculated as follows:

  1. Likelihood Ratio (LR): first, the ratio of the probability that a particular male is the father (the probability that the assumed father is actually the father) to the probability that an unrelated male is the fatherThe ratio of the probability that a particular man is the father (the probability that the assumed father is not the father) to the probability that an unrelated man is the father (the probability that the assumed father is not the father).
  2. Calculation of the probability of positive paternity (PP):

Interpretation of paternal rights positive probability.

  • 99% and above: There is a very high probability that a parent-child relationship is established.This level of probability is usually required legally.
  • 90%-98.9%: A high, but not extremely high, probability that a parent-child relationship is established. Additional tests and evidence may be required.
  • 50%-89.9%: possible parent-child relationship, but not conclusive.
  • Less than 50%: the parent-child relationship is likely to be denied.

Actual use

Paternity affirmation probabilities are often used in court and in confirming parent-child relationships, particularly in legal proceedings such as trials, where a paternity affirmation probability of 99% or more is commonly required.


‘Paternity affirmation probability’ is the probability, based on DNA test results, that a particular man is likely to be the biological father of a child.A probability of 99% or more is usually considered highly reliable and is an important legal indicator. Although 99% or more is high, HIRO CLINIC aims for a level of 99.9999999999% or more (12 or more 9s).

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor