DNA prenatal paternity test, often with Filipino women

NIPPT フィリピン女性との間に多いDNA出生前親子鑑定

The number of cases of prenatal paternity testing with Filipino women may be increasing, especially in relation to international couples, legal and property issues, and confirmation of parent-child relationships. Below, we provide more general information about prenatal paternity testing in general and the reasons why it is particularly common with Filipino women.

1. What is a prenatal paternity test?

Prenatal paternity testing is a DNA test conducted before the baby is born to confirm paternity (or mother-child relationship).The test is usually performed in the following ways

Method of examination

  • Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT): A blood sample is taken from the mother and analyzed for fetal DNA to determine paternity. This method is widely used in recent years because of its low risk to the mother and fetus.
  • Amniotic fluid testing: A procedure in which a sample of the mother’s amniotic fluid is taken and the DNA of the fetus is extracted to determine the parent-child relationship. This is highly reliable but carries a rare risk of miscarriage.
  • Chorionic villus test: a procedure in which a portion of the placenta is harvested for DNA testing, which is also risky.

2. Why prenatal paternity tests with Filipino women are so common

Several background factors have led to many cases of prenatal paternity testing with Filipino women.

1. Increased international relationships

The Philippines is one of the countries with many immigrants and migrant workers from Japan and other developed countries, and international marriages and partnerships are on the rise. These international couples may need to legally establish parent-child relationships, and there has been an increase in the number of cases where prenatal evaluations are conducted, especially before the birth of a child. This is to ensure that immigration procedures, citizenship, or other legal procedures in Japan will proceed smoothly after the child’s birth.

2. Legal and Property Issues

Prenatal appraisals are sometimes performed to confirm the parent-child relationship at an early stage, as issues related to inheritance and property division may arise between Japan and the Philippines. Confirmation of the parent-child relationship is especially important in cases where the child has inheritance rights as a result of the father’s recognition, or in cases where child support and legal responsibilities arise after birth.

3. Social and Cultural Background

In the Philippines, the Catholic faith is strong, and values regarding marriage and family are different in some respects from those in Japan. If a child is born to an unmarried couple, it may be important to establish the relationship with the father before the birth, especially since Filipino women may be subject to pressure from their families.

3. Purpose of Prenatal Parentage Test

Prenatal paternity tests with Filipino women are commonly performed for the following purposes

  • Paternal Acknowledgment: Acknowledgment of the child by the father prior to birth in order to facilitate the legal process after birth.
  • Immigration and Citizenship Procedures: Proof of a legal parent-child relationship may be required for a child to obtain Japanese or other nationality.
  • Determination of inheritance rights: Proof of the parent-child relationship is important to establish the child’s legal inheritance rights at an early stage.
  • Child support and support: paternity may be verified prior to birth to ensure receipt of child support after birth.

4. Legal Aspects

In both Japan and the Philippines, verification of paternity is conducted in accordance with the law.If a prenatal paternity test is conducted, the results of the test may be used as evidence to establish recognition and legal responsibility.

  • Japanese law: Acknowledgment of a child by the father gives the child legal rights (inheritance rights, child support rights, etc.).Once recognition is confirmed, the father is legally obligated to pay child support and support the child’s life.
  • Philippine Law: Recognition of parent-child relationship is also important in the Philippine legal system, especially for international couples, where the rights of the child are protected when the parent-child relationship is proven through prenatal diagnosis.

5. Cautions and Risks

While prenatal paternity testing is highly reliable, there are risks to the mother and fetus, especially for invasive tests (amniotic fluid testing and chorionic villus examination).Therefore, it is important to consult with a physician and understand the risks and benefits before performing these tests.

In addition, since the results of an appraisal are important evidence to legally determine the parent-child relationship, it is recommended that the appraisal be performed by a reputable medical institution or laboratory.


Prenatal paternity testing with Filipino women is a growing phenomenon for international couples and when legal parent-child relationships need to be established. There are many factors behind the appraisals, such as legal proceedings, property issues, and immigration procedures, which play an important role in ensuring a smooth process after the birth.

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor