Advice for pregnant women who do not know who their dad is.

If you are faced with a situation during pregnancy where you do not know who your dad is, you may find the situation very difficult emotionally. Here are some possible ways to deal with such a situation. In these situations, it is important to remain calm and get the right support.

1. Organizing emotions

Pregnancy is a time of great emotional impact as well as physical.’Not knowing who your dad is’ can cause additional stress and anxiety.It is important to first sort out your feelings and understand how you are feeling.Take your time and face yourself.

2. Consult someone you trust

In these situations, it is very important to talk to someone you trust.Finding someone you feel comfortable talking to, such as a close friend or family member, a professional counsellor or doctor, can help.Talking to them can help ease some of the emotional burden and you can get objective advice.

3. Consider DNA testing.

The most reliable way to confirm ‘who the daddy is’ during pregnancy or after birth is through DNA testing.Today, DNA testing using amniotic fluid or maternal blood is possible during pregnancy, and technology is advanced enough to confirm the parent-child relationship before birth.This involves costs and risks and should be chosen after careful consultation with a doctor.

Even after birth, DNA testing can be carried out to confirm the parent-child relationship.As this process may involve legal procedures and recognition, professional advice is recommended.

4. Receive support from health care providers and professionals

If ‘not knowing who your dad is’ is causing you significant emotional stress and anxiety, it can be helpful to get support from a health care provider or counsellor.It is particularly important to seek professional advice on psychological support and managing stress during pregnancy.By consulting an obstetrician or midwife, you can receive appropriate care to protect your physical and mental health.

5. Seek legal advice

Identifying ‘who the dad is’ during pregnancy or after birth may involve legal issues.In particular, if there are issues relating to paternity, child support or the legal rights of the child, it may be necessary to consult a lawyer or legal adviser.As legal issues are often complex, specialist advice is recommended.

6.Think about your own and your children’s future

While it is important to face the question of ‘who is Dad’, it is also important to think about your own and your children’s future. You need to think and plan about your role as a parent and how you will raise your children in the future. If you need support, get help from trusted people, communities and professional organizations around you.

7. Take your time and think about it

When faced with these difficult situations, there is no need to give immediate answers. Emotional confusion and anxiety are natural and it is important to take time to think through the situation without rushing. It is important to face the problem at your own pace in order to make a calm decision.


If you are faced with the question of not knowing who your dad is during pregnancy, it is important to first sort out your feelings and seek advice from someone you trust or a professional. If necessary, seek DNA testing or legal advice so you can move on to the next step with peace of mind. It is important not to rush and to resolve issues with support. And most importantly, put the health and future of yourself and your baby first.

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor