Telegony is a superstition.

Telegony is an ancient concept that states that the characteristics of a woman’s first male mate (or mating male) will influence the children she subsequently bears.This theory was believed in biology before the 19th century, but is rejected by current findings in genetics.According to modern science, a child’s genetic traits are inherited directly from both parents and are not genetically influenced by past partners.

Historical background of telegony.

  • ORIGINS: Telegony dates back to the time of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle.They believed that the mother’s body retained the genetic information of a previously mated male and that this genetic information would affect the child when she later conceived another male child.This idea was believed until the late 19th century.
  • Nineteenth-century research: a famous example of telegony is the observations of the English naturalist Lord Morton on horses. He reported that the features of a spotted horse first mated by a purebred mare subsequently appeared in a foal born to another purebred. This case led scientists of the time to believe in the existence of telegony.

DNA testing and telegony.

Modern advances in genetics have debunked the concept of telegony.Parent-child relationship determination based on DNA testing and theories of genetics have shown that children inherit half of each parent’s (father’s and mother’s) DNA.Genetic information is transmitted by sperm and egg, so the influence of past partners is not reflected in the child’s genes.

Paternity testing by DNA analysis

DNA identification confirms the genetic match between the child and the father (and mother) by analysing specific genetic regions.Specifically, short-strand repeat (STR) sequences and polymorphic sites are analysed to confirm the parent-child relationship with a high degree of accuracy; DNA identification provides scientific proof of who is the biological parent of the child.

Why telegony is scientifically rejected.

  1. Transmission of genetic information: genetic information is transmitted to the child by the DNA contained in the sperm and egg.There is no mechanism by which the DNA of a past partner can influence a later child.
  2. Epigenetic influences: a concept similar to telegony is the field of epigenetics (regulation of gene expression).In epigenetics, the environment and lifestyle are known to influence gene expression, but this differs from parent-child relationships and direct genetic inheritance.Genetic information from past partners does not affect later children.
  3. Discrepancies in experimental results: proposed in the 19th century, telegony has no scientific basis as it has not been reproduced by modern scientific experiments. Modern genetics provides accurate knowledge on the transmission of genetic information and does not support the idea of telegony.


Telegony is a historical concept that has been debunked by modern genetics and DNA testing. A child’s genetic information is inherited from both parents and the genes of past partners cannot influence the child. DNA testing is a scientific way of proving the parent-child relationship and is based on modern genetics, not on old theories such as telegony.

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor