Hair Transplantation and Cross-Cultural Communication: Supporting International Patients


Hair transplant surgery is in increasing demand internationally, with many international patients traveling to foreign lands to seek treatment. Understanding the importance of cross-cultural communication and providing appropriate assistance to international patients can increase patient satisfaction and contribute to the success of the procedure. This article details the importance of cross-cultural communication and how to provide assistance to international patients.

Importance of cross-cultural communication

1. Building patient trust

It is important to build trust with patients through cross-cultural communication.

Overcome language barriers: Communicating in the patient’s native language provides reassurance and builds trust.

Cultural understanding: Understanding and respecting the patient’s cultural background and values can lead to a better relationship.

2. Promoting understanding of the treatment plan

Through cross-cultural communication, it is important that patients correctly understand and accept the treatment plan.

Detailed Explanation: Explain the surgical process, risks, and expected results in detail so that the patient understands.

Accepting questions: Provide an environment where patients are free to ask questions, and have their doubts and concerns addressed.

3. Providing emotional support

It is important to provide emotional support to patients undergoing treatment in a foreign country.

Provide peace of mind: We provide a support system to ensure that patients feel comfortable with their treatment.

Mental Care: Supports the patient’s mental health and reduces anxiety about treatment.

How to Help International Patients

1. Multilingual staffing

Multilingual staffing will ensure smooth communication with international patients.

Interpretation services: Professional interpreters are available to assist with patient communication.

Multilingual Staff: Employ multilingual medical staff to be available in the language of the patient.

2. Cultural considerations

Understanding and taking into account the cultural background of the patient

Understanding cultural background: understand and accommodate the patient’s religion, customs, and values.

Dietary and lifestyle considerations: We take into account the patient’s dietary restrictions and lifestyle habits to provide a comfortable treatment environment.

3. Preoperative counseling

It is important to provide adequate counseling prior to surgery to ensure that the patient understands and is comfortable with the treatment.

Detailed Explanation: Explain the surgical process, risks, and expected results in detail so that the patient understands.

Confirmation of treatment plan: The treatment plan is reviewed with the patient and agreed upon before proceeding.

4. Postoperative follow-up

We provide full post-operative follow-up to support patient recovery.

Progress monitoring: Post-operative progress is regularly monitored and any necessary support is provided.

Remote follow-up: For international patients, remote follow-up is provided after their return to their home country to ensure appropriate care.

5. Support for transportation and lodging

Provide transportation and lodging assistance to ensure that international patients receive treatment in comfort.

Transportation Arrangements: Provide transportation services from the airport to the clinic to assist with patient transfers.

Accommodation referrals: We will refer you to suitable accommodations for your patients and help make their stay more comfortable.


Specific examples of cross-cultural communication

1. Patients from Asia

For patients from Asian countries, it is important to understand and deal with cultural backgrounds and language differences.

Language support: Staff will be available in all major Asian languages, including Japanese, Chinese, and Korean.

Dietary Considerations: Appropriate meals will be provided, taking into account Asian food culture.

2. Patients from Western countries

For patients from Western countries, it is important to understand and respond to their cultural background and lifestyle.

Language support: Staff will be available in English, Spanish, French, and other major languages of the Western world.

Cultural Considerations: Religious practices and lifestyles will be taken into account and accommodated as appropriate.

3. Patients from the Middle East

For patients from the Middle East, it is important to understand and respond to their religious and cultural backgrounds.

Language support: Staff will be available in Arabic.

Religious considerations: Religious practices will be taken into account and accommodated as appropriate. For example, providing a time and place for worship.


Cross-cultural communication and support for international patients undergoing hair transplant surgery is critical to treatment success and patient satisfaction. Provide a safe environment for patients through multilingual staffing, cultural sensitivity, preoperative counseling, postoperative follow-up, and transportation and lodging support. By meeting the needs of international patients, it is hoped that more patients will experience the benefits of hair transplant surgery and achieve satisfactory results.


岡 博史 先生


慶應義塾大学 医学部 卒業

