Hair transplantation is safe even after 10 years


This column article details the 10-year course of events after hair transplant surgery. The transplanted hair is usually taken from the back or side of the head and is expected to persist for a long period of time and grow naturally even after 10 years. However, hair in areas that are not transplanted may develop hair loss and may require additional hair transplants or treatments as needed. In addition, post-operative care and maintenance of scalp health play an important role in long-term satisfaction.

1. Durability of transplanted hair

The hair roots used for hair transplantation are usually taken from the back or sides of the head. The hair in these areas is genetically resistant to hair loss and retains this characteristic even after transplantation , so the transplanted hair will basically continue to grow for the rest of your life. It is expected that the transplanted hair will still be growing well even after 10 years.

  • Natural growth of transplanted hair : Transplanted hairs go through a period of “shock loss” where they first fall out, then begin to grow again, eventually continuing to grow just like your own natural hair.
  • Long-lasting results : Transplanted hair usually does not lose its hair, so it is common for the transplanted hair to still be growing healthy even after 10 years.

2. Changes in the original hair (non-transplanted area)

While the transplanted hair will persist in the long term, the surrounding non-transplanted hair may continue to experience progressive hair loss even after 10 years, and may further thin as androgenetic alopecia ( androgenetic alopecia ) progresses .

3. Long-term maintenance

Although transplanted hair will last a lifetime, it may require some long-term maintenance, including:

  • Cutting and styling your hair : Transplanted hair will grow just like normal hair and will need to be cut and styled regularly. Care must be taken when styling to ensure the transplanted area looks natural.
  • Maintaining a healthy scalp : In order to maintain the transplanted hair for a long time, it is important to maintain a healthy scalp. A healthy scalp promotes hair growth and produces good results over the long term.

4. Cosmetic results

Hair transplantation is a treatment that gives very natural results in the long term. Even after 10 years, your hair can look natural. However, the following factors can affect the cosmetic result:

  • Quality of surgery : If the procedure is performed by an experienced doctor, the hair density and hairline design will be natural. If the design is such that it will not look strange even after 10 years, it will remain very natural.
  • Balance with the surrounding hair : As mentioned above, thinning of the untransplanted areas can cause imbalances, in which case repeat treatments may be necessary.

5. The need for additional surgery

Over the course of 10 years, hair loss may continue to progress, and in some cases additional hair transplant procedures may be necessary – for example, the area transplanted in the first procedure may remain, but the surrounding hair may thin further, resulting in an unnatural looking density and balance.

6.Risks and Cautions

Proper post-operative care is important to ensure long-term results. If post-operative care is inadequate or the scalp is damaged by external influences, the transplanted hair may not take root or hair loss may progress.

  • Traumatic damage to the scalp : If the scalp is subjected to a strong impact or becomes inflamed, the transplanted hair may fall out, so it is important to take care of it in daily life.


The results after 10 years of hair transplantation are that the transplanted hair itself will last for a long time, so you can basically maintain your natural hair. However, hair loss in the surrounding area may progress, and additional treatments and maintenance may be required to achieve satisfactory results in the long term. Another major advantage of hair transplantation is that once the transplanted hair has taken root properly, it does not require special maintenance and can be treated like natural hair .


岡 博史 先生


慶應義塾大学 医学部 卒業

