Who should I consult for ED (erectile dysfunction)?

ED (Erectile Dysfunction) is a very sensitive and personal issue for men, but effective treatment and support can be obtained by consulting the right professional. ED can be caused by a variety of factors, and it is important to accurately identify its causes and take appropriate action. This section details where to consult for ED-related concerns, the role of each specialist, and the support they offer.

1. Urologist

  • Specialization: Urologists specialize in male genital and urinary problems, including EDs; they have up-to-date knowledge of the diagnosis and treatment of EDs and can recommend appropriate treatments.
  • Consultation: Comprehensive support is provided to identify the cause of ED, select treatment options (e.g., pharmacotherapy, lifestyle modification, surgical techniques), and manage progress.

2. Internist or family physician

  • Role: Internists and family physicians can provide initial consultation for EDs. A comprehensive evaluation of overall health and lifestyle habits is performed to determine if the cause of ED is related to cardiovascular, metabolic, hormonal balance, or other medical problems.
  • Consultations include: basic physical exam, blood work, and referral to a specialist if needed; check for other health issues related to ED.

3. Psychosomatic physician or psychiatrist

  • Role: If ED is caused by psychological factors (stress, anxiety, depression, etc.), a psychosomatic physician or psychiatrist can provide support. Psychotherapy and counseling can be helpful in cases of psychological EDs.
  • Consultations: Through psychotherapy and counseling, we help resolve emotional issues related to EDs. In some cases, drug therapy is also used.

4. Sex therapist

  • Specialization: Sex therapists are counselors who specialize in sexual problems and offer a psychological approach to EDs; they provide highly effective support when EDs are related to psychological factors.
  • Consultations: Counseling and therapy are offered to address sexual anxiety, pressure, and communication issues with partners, and to explore the causes of ED.

5. Partner

  • Role: ED is both an individual issue and one that affects the partnership. Open discussion with your partner can lead to a better mutual understanding and find ways for the two of you to work together to solve the problem.
  • Consultation: not directly involved in treatment, but providing emotional support and working together to face treatment.

6. Counselors and psychotherapists

  • Role: Counselors provide support in dealing with the emotional issues and stresses associated with EDs. Special focus will be placed on issues affecting sexual self-image and relationships with partners.
  • Consultations: a wide range of psychological issues related to EDs, including emotional support, stress management, and strengthening partnerships.


Because ED (erectile dysfunction) often involves physical or psychological factors, consultation with the appropriate professional is the first step toward a solution. First, a urologist orinternist can be consulted to determine the cause of ED and to discuss appropriate treatment. If psychological factors are involved, support from apsychosomatic physician, psychiatrist, or sex therapist can be helpful. In addition, emotional support provided by a counselor or psychologist may also be helpful in improving ED. Openly discussing the problem with your partner can also help; ED is a problem that many men experience, and with the right professional help, progress can be made toward improvement.

At HIRO CLINIC MEN’S, too, our doctors with experience in ED treatment will listen to your concerns and condition carefully and support you. Of course, confidentiality is strictly observed, so please feel free to tell us anything that concerns you. If it is difficult for you to call us, you can also make a reservation through the web or on line. Please check our website for details.
