

Viagra available at pharmacies

In Japan, in 2020, the first over-the-counter erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment, “Viagra Connect,” containing the active ingredient sildenafil, became available for purchase at drugstores. This is a designated Class II pharmaceutical that can be purchased after consulting with a pharmacist. Features of Viagra Connect Points to Consider When Purchasing Other Over-the-Counter Medications Viagra Connect can only be purchased at drugstores that have a pharmacist on duty. You will receive appropriate information about effectiveness, side effects, and proper usage from the pharmacist, so if you are...


Kegel movement and treatment of ED (erectile dysfunction)

Kegel exercises are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and were originally developed for postpartum women. However, they are also known to be effective in improving erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. Here, we will explain how Kegel exercises can help with ED and the relationship between the two. Mechanism of Kegel Exercises and Their Effects on ED How to Perform Kegel Exercises To perform Kegel exercises, you first need to identify your pelvic floor muscles. These are the muscles you engage when trying to...


Relationship between ED (erectile dysfunction) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

is a link between ED (erectile dysfunction) and STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).Sexually transmitted diseases can cause ED, and the presence of an STD can also affect sexual function. Below is a detailed explanation of the relationship between the two. How STDs cause ED Prevention and Countermeasures Since ED can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases, maintaining good sexual health can help prevent ED. If symptoms of ED are observed, it is important to consult a urologist or STD specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Sexually...


Muscles associated with erectile dysfunction (ED)

A major muscle group associated with erectile dysfunction (ED) is the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles that support the urethra, rectum, and the orifices through which the genitals pass; normal function of these muscles allows for urinary control, sexual function, and visceral support. Below is a detailed description of the major parts of the pelvic floor muscles and their functions. 1. Coccygeal tendon (Pubococcygeus Muscle) 2. Sponge Body Tendon (Bulbospongiosus Muscle) 3. External Anal Sphincter 4. Rectus sciatica...


Training for ED (Erectile Dysfunction)

Training and exercises to help restore ED (erectile dysfunction) are primarily aimed at improving blood flow and strengthening pelvic floor muscles. Such training is especially effective when the cause of ED is physiological. Below are some training exercises that may help improve ED. 1. Pelvic floor muscle training (Kegel exercise) 2. Aerobic exercise 3. Yoga 4. Strength training 5. pronged stretch (Pubococcygeal muscle stretch) Before beginning any of these exercises, it is important to consult with a physician to ensure that the ED is suitable...


Which is more effective, energizers or ED (erectile dysfunction) medications?

There is a clear difference in the effectiveness of energizers and ED (erectile dysfunction) drugs. Which one “works” depends on the desired effect and the individual’s health status. ED drug ED drugs (e.g., sildenafil [Viagra], tadalafil [Cialis], vardenafil [Levitra]) are drugs developed based on scientific research that act on specific physiological mechanisms to help achieve an erection. These drugs, called PDE5 inhibitors, promote erections by dilating blood vessels in the penis and improving blood flow. These drugs must be prescribed by a physician, and their...


If your boyfriend has ED (erectile dysfunction)

If your boyfriend suffers from erectile dysfunction (ED), consider the following support and approaches 1. Show understanding and support 2. Seek medical care together. 3. Helping to review lifestyle habits 4. Reduce pressure on sexual life 5. Consider couples therapy 6. Maintain communication ED is not a one-person problem; it is an issue that couples must face together. Supporting each other and providing appropriate treatment and responses is one step toward strengthening the relationship.


Is diarrhea a side effect of Viagra?

When taking Viagra (sildenafil), diarrhea may occur as a side effect, but this is not a common side effect. Common side effects of Viagra include headache, facial burning, indigestion, nasal congestion, visual disturbances, and dizziness. Diarrhea is relatively rare, but some individuals may experience this side effect as it can affect the digestive system. If you experience diarrhea or other unpleasant symptoms while taking the drug, it may be a side effect of Viagra. If these symptoms persist or are severe, it is important to...