

What is the basic department to see for ED?

Basically, it is urology. HIRO CLINIC prescribes prescriptions for ED mainly at Namba Shinsaibashi Hospital. However, ED is also related to internal medicine and psychosomatic medicine. HIRO CLINIC also has internal medicine and psychosomatic medicine, so it is possible to provide comprehensive treatment. We prescribe Tadalafil 40mg for 900 yen per tablet (excluding tax), and we offer remote consultation via LINE, so you can receive your prescription anywhere in Japan. ED (erectile dysfunction) is basically a problem that is usually seen and treated by urologists....


Impact of ED treatment on population growth

It is difficult to make a direct estimate of the population increase if erectile dysfunction (ED) were completely eliminated, since ED affects sexual function and not necessarily fertility itself directly. However, it is possible to infer some effects by considering the following points Relationship between ED and population growth Other considerations Conclusion Even if EDs were eliminated from the world, their direct impact on the population would be limited and unlikely to cause noticeable changes to society’s overall fertility rate. Many complex factors are involved...


Relationship between ED and personality

Solid scientific evidence of a direct causal relationship between the occurrence of erectile dysfunction (ED) and male personality traits, especially “extreme” personality, is currently limited. However, it is possible that personality influences lifestyle and stress levels, which in turn may indirectly affect ED. Relationship between personality and ED Research and Observations Conclusion While there is limited evidence that an “extreme” personality directly increases or decreases the risk of ED, it may indirectly influence ED through the influence of personality on lifestyle. maintaining a healthy lifestyle...


Does ED work with fake drugs?

The effect of a sham drug (placebo) on erectile dysfunction (ED) is often observed in clinical trials. The placebo effect is a phenomenon in which patients experience a temporary improvement in symptoms based on the expectation or belief that they are being treated. Principle of the Placebo Effect Study of Placebo Effect in ED Conclusion Placebos may have a temporary effect on some ED patients, but they do not address the underlying physiologic problem and are insufficient for a sustained therapeutic effect. The use of...



マカの主な効果 科学的根拠 マカの効果に関する研究はまだ限定的ですが、一部の研究では性欲の向上や、軽度のEDに対する若干の改善効果が報告されています。しかし、これらの研究は小規模であったり、研究デザインに問題がある場合があり、その結果を一般化するには慎重である必要があります。 安全性 マカは一般的には安全で副作用は少ないとされていますが、すべての自然療法と同様に、個々の体質や既存の健康状態によっては副作用が生じる可能性があります。他のサプリメントや薬との相互作用についても十分な研究がなされていないため、何かを服用している場合は医師に相談することが推奨されます。 結論 マカがEDに対して確実に効果があるとは断言できませんが、一部の人には性的機能の向上や全体的なウェルビーイングを感じる助けになる可能性があります。効果を期待する場合でも、マカの使用は医師の監督のもとで行うことが望ましいです。特に、他の治療法と併用する場合は、相互作用のリスクを避けるためにも専門家の意見を求めることが重要です。


Do supplements work for ED?

Supplements and drugs offer different approaches in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED), but there are significant differences in their effectiveness and safety. Supplement Medical supplies Conclusion Supplements are sometimes chosen by those seeking natural means for mild symptoms, while pharmaceuticals are better suited for severe symptoms of ED or for those seeking rapid improvement. a physician’s diagnosis and consultation is most important when choosing the appropriate treatment for ED. The physician can recommend the best treatment based on your individual health status and symptoms.


Signs of ED

There are several typical early symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED). If any of these symptoms are observed, early consultation at a medical institution is recommended: Inability to obtain or maintain an erection:. Frequent inability to achieve or maintain an adequate erection during sexual activity.Decreased sexual desire:. May not be as interested in or desire sexual stimulation as before.Time to erection increases:. May not be as interested in or desire sexual stimulation as before.Time to erection increases:. Slower response to sexual stimulation and longer time to...


To split tadalafil in half.

Tadalafil (Tadalafil) is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction and prostate enlargement, and its trade names include Cialis. Several points should be considered regarding the appropriateness of splitting this medication in half. Notes on splitting tadalafilTablet type: Notes on splitting tadalafil Tablet type: Tadalafil may contain film-coated tablets. This type of tablet may be divided in half, which may change the effectiveness of the drug, because the coating may control the absorption of the drug. The presence or absence of a coating is often...