Does ED work with fake drugs?

The effect of a sham drug (placebo) on erectile dysfunction (ED) is often observed in clinical trials. The placebo effect is a phenomenon in which patients experience a temporary improvement in symptoms based on the expectation or belief that they are being treated.

Principle of the Placebo Effect

  • Psychological Factors: EDs can also be caused by psychological factors. Anxiety and stress can exacerbate symptoms, so having a sense of security and anticipation can temporarily reduce these psychological barriers.
  • Power of Expectations: Positive expectations of treatment can affect autonomic balance and hormone levels, causing temporary improvements.

Study of Placebo Effect in ED

  • In clinical trials of ED drugs, a certain percentage of patients in the placebo group have reported improvement in erectile function. This improvement is thought to be due to a sense of psychological security and anticipation from believing that they are taking the drug.
  • However, the effects shown by placebos are usually short-lived and of limited magnitude compared to real treatments.


Placebos may have a temporary effect on some ED patients, but they do not address the underlying physiologic problem and are insufficient for a sustained therapeutic effect. The use of approved medications is recommended for the treatment of EDs, as they are more effective than placebo. It is also important to be guided by a physician with an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan based on the cause of your symptoms.
