Relationship between ED and personality

Solid scientific evidence of a direct causal relationship between the occurrence of erectile dysfunction (ED) and male personality traits, especially “extreme” personality, is currently limited. However, it is possible that personality influences lifestyle and stress levels, which in turn may indirectly affect ED.

Relationship between personality and ED

  1. Risk-taking and Stress: When people with “extreme” personalities tend to take risks, their lifestyle can lead to high stress levels and unhealthy habits (e.g. smoking, excessive alcohol consumption).These factors are known to negatively affect vascular health and consequently increase the risk of ED.
  2. Exercise and healthy habits: Conversely, if an extreme personality leads to positive behaviors, e.g., regular exercise and healthy eating habits, it may promote cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of ED.

Research and Observations

  • ED is a multifactorial condition and can be affected by many factors, including age, general health, cardiovascular health, hormonal balance, nervous system health, and psychological factors.
  • Some studies have shown that psychological stress is an important risk factor for ED. If an extreme personality causes high stress, it may contribute to inducing ED.


While there is limited evidence that an “extreme” personality directly increases or decreases the risk of ED, it may indirectly influence ED through the influence of personality on lifestyle. maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper management of stress are important to prevent or manage ED. It is also important to consult a health care provider if symptoms of ED are present.
