
菊池皮膚科病院 群馬県高崎市柳川町9-3 https://www.kikuchi-hifuka.com/ https://byoinnavi.jp/clinic/61750 皮膚科, 泌尿器科, アレルギー科 こすもレディースクリニック 群馬県高崎市旭町113-7 メディカルモール1F http://www.cosmo-ladies.com https://byoinnavi.jp/clinic/62694 婦人科, 産婦人科, 泌尿器科 関口医院 群馬県高崎市新町2273-7 https://www.sekiguchi-iin.com/ https://byoinnavi.jp/clinic/62360 内科, 消化器科, 小児科, 泌尿器科 松本医院 群馬県高崎市相生町35 http://www.myclinic.ne.jp/matsumcl/ https://byoinnavi.jp/clinic/61826 内科, 神経内科, 胃腸科, 循環器科, 皮膚科, 泌尿器科, 放射線科 加藤クリニック 群馬県前橋市南町3丁目19-2 https://www.kato-cli.com/ https://byoinnavi.jp/clinic/62773 泌尿器科, 内科 医療法人 医療法人 星医院 群馬県前橋市西善町204-1 https://hoshiiin.com/ https://byoinnavi.jp/clinic/61630 内科, 血液内科, 外科, 肝臓内科, 糖尿病内科, 泌尿器科, 肛門科 医療法人慶仁会 医療法人慶仁会 城山病院 群馬県太田市飯塚町1 https://www.shiroyama-hospital.or.jp/ https://byoinnavi.jp/clinic/61383 内科, 糖尿病内科, 消化器内科, 外科, 整形外科, 呼吸器内科, 循環器内科, 脳神経内科, 脳神経外科, 泌尿器科 医療法人杣会 医療法人杣会 うめやま医院 群馬県高崎市連雀町133 https://umeyama.jp/ https://byoinnavi.jp/clinic/61822 泌尿器科, 内科, 外科, 性病科, 性感染症内科 医療法人 医療法人 戸塚クリニック 群馬県藤岡市上栗須63-1 http://totsuka-clinic.jp/...


Average number of sexual intercourse among Japanese

The average number of times Japanese people have sexual intercourse varies with age, lifestyle, and social factors. While some surveys and studies can indicate general trends, it is difficult to ascertain exact figures because of the large individual differences. Below are data on the average number of sexual intercourse among Japanese by age group. Survey data on the number of sexual intercourse in Japan The following are examples of data based on the Survey of Sexual Behavior of Japanese People and other surveys conducted periodically...


Risks of using PDE inhibitors in healthy people

PDE5 inhibitors (phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors) are used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Typical drugs include Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil), and Levitra (vardenafil).These drugs are used to help achieve an erection. These medications improve blood flow to the penis to aid in erection and help achieve adequate erections during sexual activity. However, several important points should be noted about the use of PDE5 inhibitors for the enjoyment of intercourse. Role of PDE5 inhibitors PDE5 inhibitors are drugs that help men with erectile dysfunction (ED) achieve and...


When the number of times of sexual intercourse in the East and West

Regional differences in the frequency of sexual intercourse between European and Eastern populations can be seen because of the influence of cultural differences, social factors, lifestyles, and health awareness. This is due to differences in sexual values, social acceptability, sex education, and the way couples approach their relationship. Differences in the number of sexual intercourse in Europe and the East Examples of Survey Results Several international surveys have shown differences in the number of sexual intercourse in different regions. For example, the following trends have...


What is the age of intercourse

There is no specific age limit for sexual intercourse; the age at which one continues to be sexually active depends on an individual’s health, sexual desire, lifestyle, and relationship with his or her partner. Physiologically, it is possible to be sexually active at an older age if one is in good health. Factors Influencing Sexual Intercourse in the Elderly Results of a survey on sexual activity among the elderly Several studies show that many older adults continue to be sexually active and feel sexually satisfied....


Gene therapy for ED (erectile dysfunction)

Gene therapy is a very promising area of research in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED).Gene therapy is an approach to treating disease by introducing specific genes into a patient’s body to modify and augment cellular and tissue function; in ED, the focus is on using genes to improve penile blood flow, nerve function, and tissue health. What is gene therapy? Gene therapy is a treatment in which normal genes are introduced into the body to correct abnormalities or dysfunctions in the genes that cause...


Tissue Engineering in the Treatment of ED (Erectile Dysfunction)

Tissue engineering is a technology that uses cells, biomaterials, and growth factors to create new tissue in order to repair and regenerate damaged tissues and organs. This tissue engineering technology is also attracting attention in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED).In particular, it is expected to be a fundamental treatment for ED by aiming to regenerate the corpus cavernosum tissue, blood vessels, and nerves of the penis. What is Tissue Engineering? Tissue engineering consists of three main elements This technology is applied to regenerate the...


ED treatment with PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy is a type of regenerative medicine that has recently begun to be applied to the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED).PRP was originally used to promote wound healing and tissue regeneration in the fields of plastic surgery and cosmetic medicine, but it is also gaining attention as a treatment for EDs. What is PRP Therapy? PRP therapy involves taking the patient’s own blood and processing it in a centrifuge to produce plasma with a high concentration of platelets. This PRP is rich...