Frequency of premature ejaculation



Premature ejaculation (premature ejaculation, PE: Premature Ejaculation) is a very common sexual problem in men. The following describes the frequency and incidence of premature ejaculation.

1. incidence of premature ejaculation worldwide

Studies show that about 20-30% of men worldwide experience premature ejaculation. This is a very common problem compared to other sexual dysfunctions (e.g., erectile dysfunction).The specific incidence may vary with age, health status, and cultural background, but most studies agree within this range.

2. frequency of premature ejaculation in Japan

The incidence of premature ejaculation in Japan, as in other countries, is believed to be about 20-30% of men have experienced premature ejaculation at least once. Premature ejaculation tends to occur particularly among young men and among men with limited sexual experience.

3. Early career and acquired premature leakage

There are two main types of premature ejaculation

  • Lifetime premature ejaculation: This type of premature ejaculation is consistent from the beginning of sexual activity and affects approximately 10-20% of men.
  • Acquired premature ejaculation: This is a case in which a patient once had control over ejaculation, but due to stress or changes in health, acquired symptoms of premature ejaculation appear.It is said that this also applies to about 10-20% of all cases.

4. relationship with age

Premature ejaculation is relatively common in young men because of their immature sexual experience and ability to control ejaculation. Ejaculatory control often improves with age, but premature ejaculation can still occur in men in their 30s and beyond due to stress and physical conditions. In addition, acquired premature ejaculation may occur in the 40s and beyond due to changes in hormonal balance and sexual function.

5. premature ejaculation is a common problem

Premature ejaculation is a common problem that many men experience at one time or another. Often triggered by pressure and anxiety about sexual activity, they experience temporary premature ejaculation. Therefore, it is important for men suffering from premature ejaculation to understand that many others have the same problem.


Premature ejaculation is a very common sexual dysfunction experienced by 20-30% of men. While it is more common in young adults, it can also occur in adult men due to stress or changes in health. Premature ejaculation can range from a temporary to a long-term problem, but it can be improved with appropriate treatment and measures.
