ED (Erectile Dysfunction) Treatment in Oriental Medicine

Treatment for ED (erectile dysfunction) in Eastern medicine emphasizes restoring overall balance and addressing root causes. In contrast to Western medicine, which often uses fast-acting medications (like Viagra and Cialis), Eastern medicine focuses on whole-body adjustments and improving stress, fatigue, and blood flow.

Causes of ED in Eastern Medicine

In Eastern medicine, ED is seen not just as a genital issue but as a problem caused by imbalances in the body’s energy, particularly deficiencies or stagnation of “Qi,” “blood,” and “essence.” The following factors are considered root causes of ED:

  1. Kidney Deficiency (Jinkyo):
  • In Eastern medicine, the “kidneys” are believed to govern vitality and sexual function. A decline in kidney function is thought to lead to decreased sexual energy and erectile dysfunction. This deficiency is often caused by age-related energy decline, overwork, and stress.
  1. Qi Stagnation (Kitai):
  • Stress and emotional disharmony can cause stagnation of “Qi,” leading to inadequate blood flow to the penis, which can result in ED. Psychological stress and tension also play a role.
  1. Blood Deficiency (Kekkyou):
  • A lack of blood or stagnant blood flow can lead to insufficient blood supply throughout the body, resulting in inadequate blood reaching the penis and causing ED.
  1. Phlegm-Dampness (Tanshitsu):
  • Accumulation of excess moisture and metabolic waste in the body can hinder blood and energy flow, contributing to ED. This may be related to obesity or improper dietary habits.

ED Treatment in Eastern Medicine

Eastern medicine employs various treatment approaches for ED. The main methods include:

1. Herbal Medicine Treatment

Herbal medicines are prescribed based on the individual’s constitution and the causes of ED. The following herbal remedies may be used for ED treatment:

  • Hachimi Jio Gan: Strengthens kidney function and improves sexual function decline due to aging or fatigue.
  • Rokumi Jio Gan: Supplements kidney energy and is used to restore overall balance in the body, aiding in sexual function improvement.
  • Gyokushajinki Gan: Promotes blood circulation and enhances vitality to improve ED caused by kidney deficiency.
  • Hochuu Ekki Tou: Effective for improving ED caused by a lack of energy and fatigue.

2. Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture aims to adjust the flow of energy (Qi) within the body and improve blood circulation. In Eastern medicine, inserting needles into specific points is believed to help improve ED. The following points are often used:

  • Shin Yu: A point used to replenish kidney energy and enhance sexual function.
  • Kan Gen: Related to strengthening vitality and sexual energy, commonly used for ED.
  • Ki Kai: Believed to replenish Qi and enhance vitality, used in ED treatment.

3. Dietary Therapy

Dietary improvement is also important in Eastern medicine. Foods considered helpful for improving ED include:

  • Black sesame and black beans: Believed to reinforce kidney energy and enhance vitality.
  • Walnuts and pine nuts: Thought to enhance vitality and improve sexual function.
  • Garlic, yams, and ginger: Promote blood circulation and warm the body, assisting in ED improvement.

4. Qigong and Tai Chi

Physical exercises like Qigong and Tai Chi are emphasized in Eastern medicine to regulate the flow of Qi. These exercises improve the flow of energy throughout the body and help reduce stress, contributing to improved sexual function.

Benefits of Eastern Medicine

  1. Holistic approach: Eastern medicine views ED as part of overall health and addresses root causes.
  2. Natural treatment: Provides treatments like herbal medicine and acupuncture using natural materials with relatively fewer side effects.
  3. Stress care: Focuses on improving psychological factors and maintaining a balance between mind and body.


  • Effects may take time: Treatments in Eastern medicine aim at improving constitution and may take time to show effects.
  • Expert guidance needed: Treatments like herbal medicine and acupuncture require individual approaches based on constitution and symptoms. It’s important to seek guidance from experts rather than relying on self-diagnosis.


In Eastern medicine, ED is viewed not just as a sexual function issue but as a disruption of overall balance. Treatments like herbal medicine, acupuncture, and dietary therapy aim to improve ED by addressing individual constitution and root causes.
