Treatment of ED (erectile dysfunction) available only in hospitals

Treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) is generally similar in hospitals and clinics, but the types of treatments and approaches may differ due to variations in the range of services and facilities available. Below, we will explain the possible ED treatments offered in hospitals.

1. Pharmacotherapy

  • Common treatments in clinics and hospitals:
    • PDE5 inhibitors (such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra) are widely used as the first-line treatment for ED and are prescribed in both clinics and hospitals.
    • In hospitals, if the medication is ineffective or if side effects are severe, further specialized evaluations may lead to a switch to alternative pharmacotherapy.

2. Hormonal Therapy

  • Often provided in hospitals:
    • If ED is related to low testosterone (male menopause), hormone replacement therapy (testosterone therapy) may be conducted. While some clinics may also provide this, hospitals often specialize in evaluating hormone balance through blood tests and managing treatment.

3. Vacuum Pump Therapy

  • Available in both clinics and hospitals:
    • This treatment uses a manual or electric vacuum pump to enhance blood flow to the penis, assisting in achieving an erection. In hospitals, there may be specialized evaluations to determine the appropriateness of the treatment and guidance on its use.

4. Penis Implant Surgery

  • Surgical treatment offered in hospitals:
    • For severe ED where other treatments are ineffective, penile prosthesis (implant) surgery may be performed. This procedure involves inserting an artificial implant into the penis to mechanically support erections. Such surgeries are typically conducted in hospitals, not clinics.

5. Vascular Surgery

  • Specialized treatment offered in hospitals:
    • If ED is caused by vascular issues, hospitals may perform vascular surgery to repair blood vessels, improving blood flow to the penis. Such surgical treatments are not offered in regular clinics and are performed in specialized hospital facilities.

6. Psychotherapy for Psychogenic ED

  • Offered in hospital psychology departments or specialized clinics:
    • If ED is caused by psychological factors, psychological counseling or therapy may be provided. Large hospitals often have psychiatric or counseling departments that can offer psychological approaches.


  • Treatment in clinics primarily focuses on pharmacotherapy and vacuum pump therapy, whereas hospitals often provide surgical treatments, hormonal therapies, and more specialized evaluations and treatments.
  • Treatment in hospitals is particularly selected when pharmacotherapy is ineffective or when more complex causes are involved.

If you are considering treatment for ED, it is generally advisable to consult with a doctor at a clinic or urology department first, who may refer you to a hospital for further treatment if necessary.
