It has been reported that 50% of ED drugs purchased over the Internet are fakes.

Reports that about half of the erectile dysfunction (ED) medications distributed through online retailers are fakes are a major problem for consumers. There are multiple factors contributing to this problem and the health risks involved. Below is a detailed description of the background behind the distribution of counterfeit medicines and the risks involved.

Background of the distribution of fake ED drugs
High demand: ED drugs are in high demand worldwide. As a result, many consumers seek to obtain them at lower prices than through legitimate distribution channels.
Privacy concerns: Because ED is a private issue, some people avoid consulting their doctors and try to buy anonymously over the Internet.
Regulatory holes: The Internet allows cross-border transactions, and it is possible to exploit differences in laws and regulations in different countries.
Risks of Fake Medications
Unknown Ingredients: Fake medications may contain unknown substances that are different from the ingredients labeled. This puts them at risk for unexpected side effects and adverse health effects.
Insufficient or Excessive Active Ingredients: Fake medicines may not contain the required active ingredients or may contain excessive amounts of them. This may result in ineffective treatment or, conversely, cause serious side effects.
Manufacturing and storage environment issues: Medications manufactured through unauthorized channels often do not follow proper manufacturing standards or storage conditions. This can reduce the effectiveness of the drug or cause dangerous chemical changes.
Buy from an authorized source: It is important to purchase medications from a reputable pharmacy or official online store and follow your doctor’s instructions for any medications that require a prescription.
Check information: Check product reviews , seller ratings, and product certification information before purchasing.
Consult with a physician: If you have any questions or concerns, it is safest to consult with a physician before purchasing or using the product.
It is very important for consumers to be aware of the above points and protect their own health when purchasing medications over the Internet.
