What is the difference between sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil?

Sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil are all PDE5 inhibitors used to treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED).However, these drugs differ in terms of onset and duration of action, dietary effects, side effects, and frequency of use. This allows the choice to be tailored to the lifestyle and needs of each individual patient. This article details the main differences between each drug and provides information to help you choose the best treatment option.

start time of action1. start time of action

  • Sildenafil (Viagra):.
    • It takes approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour after administration for the effects to appear. The onset of effects is faster on an empty stomach and is more sensitive to the effects of meals.
  • Vardenafil (Levitra):.
    • The effect often appears in about 30 minutes after taking the drug.Compared to sildenafil, it is less likely to be affected by food (especially fatty foods).
  • Tadalafil (Cialis):.
    • Onset of effect takes from 30 minutes to 1 hour, but the onset of action may be a little slower than with the other two drugs. In addition, it is largely unaffected by food.

2. duration of action

  • Sildenafil
    • The duration of effect is 4-6 hours. Sexual stimulation within this period will help promote erection.
  • Vardenafil
    • Duration is about the same as sildenafil, about 4-5 hours.
  • Tadalafil: Tadalafil
    • The most important feature of tadalafil is its very long duration of action.It is also called the “weekend pill” because its effects last up to 36 hours.This allows for greater flexibility in the timing of dosing.

3. Dietary Influences

  • Sildenafil
    • Consumption of a high-fat diet may delay the onset of effects.It is recommended that the drug be taken on an empty stomach.
  • Vardenafil
    • It is less affected by diet than sildenafil, but is still more effective when high-fat meals are avoided.
  • Tadalafil: Tadalafil
    • Since it is largely unaffected by meals, it can be effective even after eating.

4. differences in side effects

  • Sildenafil
    • Headache, hot flashes, indigestion, and visual abnormalities (bluish vision) are common side effects; visual abnormalities are relatively easy to report because of the slight effect on PDE6.
  • Vardenafil
    • It has side effects similar to those of sildenafil, but the risk of visual abnormalities is somewhat lower. Other side effects may include nasal congestion and dizziness.
  • Tadalafil: Tadalafil
    • Headache, muscle pain (especially back pain), indigestion, and hot flashes are common side effects.Due to the long duration of action, muscle and back pain may be prolonged, but visual abnormalities are relatively rare.

5. Frequency of use and indications

  • Sildenafil
    • It is generally an “on-demand” type of treatment, taken as needed. It is taken before sexual activity and is recommended to be used once a day.
  • Vardenafil
    • Like sildenafil, it is commonly used in an on-demand form. It is taken before sexual activity and is recommended for once-daily use.
  • Tadalafil: Tadalafil
    • It is available on demand or as a “daily” dosage option where a fixed dose is taken daily. Daily dosing can support erections independent of the timing of sexual activity. Tadalafil is also used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).


  • Sildenafil: Fast-acting, lasts 4-6 hours, but is sensitive to food.
  • Vardenafil: similar action to sildenafil, but may be less affected by food and less visually abnormal.Duration is 4-5 hours.
  • Tadalafil: Very long-acting, up to 36 hours, and not affected by food. It can support erections for extended periods of time, although muscle and back pain may occur.

Sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil each have different characteristics and can be selected based on individual patient needs. It is important to select the most appropriate drug for the patient’s lifestyle and treatment goals, and to use it under the guidance of a physician. At HIRO CLINIC, we are available to discuss the best treatment options to meet your individual needs.
