Risk of buying ED (erectile dysfunction) drugs by dropshipping?

Drop shipping is a business model in which products are sold without inventory; the seller does not handle the product directly, but rather the manufacturer or wholesaler ships the product directly to the customer when an order is placed. While this method is a popular low-cost way to start a business, there are some important risks associated with dropshipping ED drugs. These risks must be considered in terms of legal, quality, safety, and reliability. Below, we detail the major risks associated with ED drug dropshipping and also discuss measures to avoid them.

1. Legal Risks

  • Potential violation of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law: Japan’s Pharmaceutical Affairs Law imposes strict regulations on the sale, importation, and advertising of pharmaceutical products.If you sell ED drugs through dropshipping, you risk violating the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law if you do not have the proper permits.In particular, selling drugs without a license in Japan may result in criminal penalties and fines.
  • Illegal drug sales: In dropshipping, sellers do not handle products directly, so it can be difficult to verify the authenticity of the supplier and the existence of legal authorization. There is a risk of selling illegally manufactured pharmaceuticals.

2. Quality and Safety Risks

  • Risk of Counterfeit Products: Some ED medications sold by dropshippers may contain counterfeit or inferior quality products.These counterfeit drugs may contain no active ingredients or dangerous ingredients, posing a serious risk to consumer health.
  • Lack of quality control: drop shipping does not allow sellers to inspect products directly. This increases the likelihood that consumers will receive poor quality products.

3. Reliability and Liability Risks

  • LOSS OF TRUST TO CUSTOMERS: If you sell low-quality or counterfeit products, you risk losing the trust of your customers and damaging the reputation of your business.If consumers encounter problems, the dropshipping seller may be held liable.
  • Handling recalls and returns: If a defective or unsafe product becomes available, recalls and returns must be handled, which can be very difficult in the dropshipping business model.

4. Tax and regulatory risks

  • Import duties and tax issues: International dropshipping transactions involve risks related to import duties and tax declarations.In particular, importation of pharmaceuticals is highly regulated in many countries and can result in fines and additional taxes if not handled properly.
  • Stricter regulations: Regulations regarding pharmaceuticals vary from country to country, and regulations can suddenly become stricter. This may lead to the risk that the business model itself may become unsustainable.

5. Legal Liability and Consumer Protection

  • Product Li ability: Pharmaceutical products, including ED drugs, directly affect the health of consumers and, if a problem arises, there is a risk of claims for damages under product liability (PL) laws.With drop shipping, it can be difficult to pursue liability based on the contract with the supplier.
  • Application of consumer protection laws and regulations: Violations of consumer protection laws may result in consumer lawsuits and administrative penalties.


While drop shipping of ED drugs is convenient and easy, it carries with it legal risks, quality and safety risks, reliability and liability risks, and tax and regulatory risks. In Japan, in particular, the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law is very strictly regulated, and the sale of unlicensed drugs can lead to serious legal issues. Fully understanding these risks and taking appropriate measures are key to minimizing them.
