Viagra available at pharmacies

In Japan, in 2020, the first over-the-counter erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment, “Viagra Connect,” containing the active ingredient sildenafil, became available for purchase at drugstores. This is a designated Class II pharmaceutical that can be purchased after consulting with a pharmacist.

Features of Viagra Connect

  • Active Ingredient: Sildenafil (50mg)
  • Indication: Treatment for ED aimed at assisting and maintaining erections
  • Purchase Method: Available for purchase after consultation with a pharmacist if deemed appropriate

Points to Consider When Purchasing

  • Before purchase, a consultation with a pharmacist is required. This includes questions about health conditions and other medications being used.
  • It is contraindicated for those with heart disease, severe liver dysfunction, low blood pressure, and certain drug interactions.

Other Over-the-Counter Medications

  • In Japan, other ED treatments besides “Viagra Connect” generally require a doctor’s prescription. Other well-known ED medications include Cialis (tadalafil) and Levitra (vardenafil), which also require a doctor’s examination and a prescription.

Viagra Connect can only be purchased at drugstores that have a pharmacist on duty. You will receive appropriate information about effectiveness, side effects, and proper usage from the pharmacist, so if you are considering ED treatment, please consult with a professional for safe use.

The price of “Viagra Connect” may vary depending on the place of purchase and quantity, but generally, it is estimated to be around 2,000 to 3,000 yen per tablet. Since specific prices can change depending on the drugstore or online pharmacy, it is recommended to compare prices at multiple stores when considering a purchase.

Additionally, “Viagra Connect” is typically sold in packages of four tablets. Therefore, the total cost for the package usually ranges from approximately 8,000 to 12,000 yen. A pharmacist consultation is required before purchase, and it is only available at drugstores that offer this service. Besides price, it is important to receive appropriate advice from the pharmacist regarding safety, side effects, and usage.
