Average number of sexual intercourse among Japanese

The average number of times Japanese people have sexual intercourse varies with age, lifestyle, and social factors. While some surveys and studies can indicate general trends, it is difficult to ascertain exact figures because of the large individual differences. Below are data on the average number of sexual intercourse among Japanese by age group.

Survey data on the number of sexual intercourse in Japan

The following are examples of data based on the Survey of Sexual Behavior of Japanese People and other surveys conducted periodically by the Japan Sex Education Association.The survey collects information on the sexual behavior of the Japanese.

1. 20‘s:

  • Average frequency: Japanese in their 20s are considered to have a relatively active sexual life compared to other age groups.The number of sexual intercourse per year is estimated to be 30-50 times.
  • This is the period of highest sexual activity, and those who are married or have a lover tend to have more frequent sexual intercourse. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of “herbivorous men” who are not active in love and marriage, as well as young people with low sexual interest, so there are large individual differences.

2. 30‘s:

  • Average frequency: In their thirties, the number of sexual intercourse sessions per year is estimated to be between 20 and 40; it tends to be slightly lower than in their twenties, but they still have relatively active sexual lives.
  • This age group may have less time to devote to sexual activity due to marriage and busy work schedules. Couples may also experience a decrease in sexual activity as a result of increased childcare and family responsibilities.

3. 40‘s:

  • Average frequency: In the 40s, the number of sexual intercourse sessions per year tends to decrease further to 10 to 20.Family, work, and health issues often affect sexual life.
  • In addition, hormonal changes associated with aging, stress, and loss of physical strength may affect the frequency of intercourse. However, there are many couples and partners who maintain an active sexual life, and individual differences are significant.

4. 50’s

  • Average frequency: In their 50s, women report having sexual intercourse 5-15 times per year. Aging health, decreased libido, and changes in hormonal balance affect the frequency of intercourse.
  • Men in their 50s may experience a decrease in sexual activity due to erectile dysfunction (ED) and other factors, but many maintain sexual desire and sexual satisfaction, which varies greatly depending on their relationship with their partner.

5. 60s and beyond:.

  • Average frequency: In the 60s and beyond, the number of sexual intercourse sessions per year is often less than five. Physical changes and declining sexual interest have an impact, but many people in this age group still enjoy sexual activity.
  • Some studies have noted the impact of sex on quality of life, with some couples in their 60s and beyond engaging in regular intercourse.

Factors affecting the number of sexual intercourse

  1. Lifestyle and Stress:.
  • Busy work schedules, child rearing, and domestic roles often affect sexual life, and the frequency of intercourse tends to decrease, especially in the 30s and 40s.
  1. Health Status: Health Status
  • With aging, hormonal decline and sexual function problems (e.g., erectile dysfunction) can occur, which can affect the frequency of intercourse. Especially after the 50s, health has a significant impact on the frequency of intercourse.
  1. Partnership Quality:.
  • The relationship with one’s partner also influences the frequency of sexual intercourse. Couples with good communication and a strong emotional connection tend to have a good sex life, regardless of age.
  1. Social Trends:.
  • Some reports indicate that sexual activity among the younger generation in Japan is on the decline. This may be due to the increasing number of “herbivorous men” or young people who are reluctant to get married or fall in love.


The frequency of intercourse varies with age, with most frequent in the 20s, and then tends to gradually decrease with age. However, there are significant individual differences, and the frequency of intercourse can vary widely depending on health status, relationship with partner, and lifestyle.
