Viagra in Chinese Medicine

What is often referred to as “the herbal Viagra” consists of components or formulations in traditional herbal medicine aimed at erectile dysfunction (ED) and sexual functionimprovement. These typically use natural ingredients to support sexual function by restoring balance in the body. Below, we introduce common components and formulations believed to support erectile function in herbal medicine.

1. Sea Horse (Kaiba)

  • The sea horse refers to the seahorse, traditionally considered to have strengthening effects, used for reducing sexual dysfunction and recovering from fatigue. It is believed to particularly strengthen the “kidneys” and enhance vitality.

2. Deer Antler (Rokujou)

  • This herbal component is made from deer antlers and is used for its nourishing and strengthening properties. It is believed to improve physical strength and stamina, and has been used for increasing vitality for a long time.

3. Ginseng (Ninjin)

  • Particularly, Korean ginseng (red ginseng) is believed to improve erectile function. It promotes blood flow, reduces stress, and supports sexual vitality, making it effective for improving ED caused by fatigue or stress.

4. Eucommia (Tochuu)

  • Eucommia is believed to regulate blood pressure and restore balance in the body. It is used to enhance vitality and support physical strength, and it is also thought to strengthen the “kidneys”.

5. Dragon Bone (Ryuukotsu)

  • Made from the bones of ancient animals (fossilized), dragon bone is said to stabilize the mind and is effective for psychogenic ED. It is sometimes used to improve ED caused by tension or stress.

6. Morinda Root (Hagekitenn)

  • This herbal medicine is used to support sexual function and is believed to strengthen the “kidneys”. It is expected to enhance sexual desire and improve erectile function.

Herbal Approach

In herbal medicine, sexual dysfunction (ED) is not viewed merely as a localized problem, but rather as a result of an imbalance in the body’s “qi,” “blood,” and “essence.” It is believed that a decline in “kidney” function affects sexual function, and strengthening the kidneys while restoring balance in the body is central to treatment.

Benefits of Herbal Medicine

  • Natural Origin: Herbal medicines are primarily composed of natural ingredients, making them less likely to have side effects compared to chemical drugs.
  • Restoring Overall Balance: Herbal treatments address the root causes of ED (such as stress, fatigue, and poor blood flow) and support sexual function.


  • Individual Variability in Effectiveness: Herbal medicines often take time to show effects, and immediate results may not be expected. Furthermore, their effectiveness can vary based on individual constitution and symptoms.
  • Need for Medical Guidance: Using herbal medicines requires guidance from a doctor or specialist. Incompatible herbal treatments may lead to side effects.


What is referred to as “the herbal Viagra” consists of herbal medicines and components used to improve sexual function. These utilize natural ingredients to restore balance in the body and address the causes of erectile dysfunction. However, since effects and suitability can vary between individuals, consulting with an herbalist or specialist doctor is crucial to select an appropriate formulation.
