Advanced medical treatment for pancreatic cancer

Advanced medical treatment for pancreatic cancer uses the latest technologies and therapies to enhance the effectiveness of treatment. Pancreatic cancer progresses quickly and is difficult to detect at an early stage, so treatment requires a high level of expertise. Below are the main techniques and approaches of advanced medicine for pancreatic cancer.

1. Robot-assisted surgery (da Vinci surgery)

  • Description: robot-assisted surgery is a precision surgical procedure that utilises robotic technology.Da Vinci surgery enables minute movements and allows surgeons to remove a patient’s tumour with high precision.Compared to conventional surgery, the wounds are smaller and post-operative recovery is faster.
  • Advantages: there is less risk of damaging surrounding tissue during surgery and tumors can be removed more precisely. In addition, post-operative pain is reduced and hospital stays tend to be shorter.

2. Laparoscopic surgery

  • Abstract: Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure in which an endoscope is inserted through a small incision in the abdomen to remove the tumor. It is also indicated for pancreatic cancer, especially for early tumors and certain sites.
  • Advantages: less strain on the body and faster post-operative recovery compared to open surgery.It also reduces the risk of post-operative complications.

3. Heavy particle radiotherapy

  • Abstract: Heavy particle therapy is an advanced version of proton therapy, which uses heavy particles, heavier than protons, to destroy cancer cells.Heavy particle beams effectively attack cancer cells and minimally protect normal tissue.It is sometimes indicated for pancreatic cancers that are difficult to treat surgically.
  • Advantages: has a powerful effect on cancer cells by concentrating high energy on the tumor while protecting normal tissue. Effective for patients with advanced cancers and those who are difficult to operate on.

4. Molecularly labelled therapies

  • Abstract: Molecularly targeted therapies target specific molecules or genes in cancer cells.In pancreatic cancer, molecularly targeted drugs are sometimes used for patients with certain genetic mutations, such as KRAS and BRCA2.Typical drugs used include olaparib (PARP inhibitor).
  • Advantages: molecular targeted therapies have fewer side effects than conventional chemotherapy and attack cancer cells more effectively. They can be tailored to individual patients as they can be based on genetic mutations.

5. Immunotherapy (immune checkpoint inhibitors)

  • Description: immunotherapy is a treatment that strengthens a patient’s immune system to attack cancer cells. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (e.g. nivolumab, pembrolizumab) prevent cancer cells from escaping the immune system, allowing the immune system to attack the cancer.
  • Advantages: may be effective in advanced pancreatic cancer and in patients who do not respond to conventional therapies, and is particularly effective in patients with specific genetic mutations.

6. Cancer genomic medicine

  • Abstract: Cancer genomic medicine is a personalized medicine that analyses the genetic profile of a patient’s cancer cells and selects the most appropriate treatment based on their genetic mutations. In pancreatic cancer, molecular targeted therapy or immunotherapy may be selected based on mutations in the BRCA or KRAS genes.
  • Advantages: personalised treatment based on genetic mutations can be provided, resulting in more effective treatment with fewer side-effects.It also offers a wider choice of treatment options and an optimised approach for each patient.

7. Combined radiation chemotherapy

  • Description: a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Radiotherapy shrinks the tumor and chemotherapy is given at the same time to increase the effectiveness of the attack on the cancer cells. It may be used for advanced pancreatic cancer.
  • Advantages: in cases where surgery is difficult or for locally advanced cancers, the combined use of radiation and chemotherapy may enhance the therapeutic effect.In some cases, the reduction in tumour size may make surgery possible at a later stage.

8. Spot Radiation Therapy (SBRT)

  • Description: stereotactic radiotherapy (SBRT) is a treatment method that delivers highly precise radiation focused on the tumour.High doses of radiation can be concentrated on cancer cells while minimising the impact on surrounding normal tissue.
  • Advantages: effective and fast treatment for inoperable and locally advanced pancreatic cancer. The treatment has a low impact on normal tissue and preserves the patient’s quality of life.

9. Nano knife (irreversible electroporation, IRE)

  • Description: nanoknife is a treatment that delivers a microscopic electric current to cancer cells, disrupting their cell membranes and killing them.It may be particularly indicated for tumours close to vital blood vessels and organs.
  • Advantages: it can destroy tumours without damaging vital blood vessels or organs and is therefore effective for pancreatic cancer in areas that are difficult to treat surgically.It can also be used in combination with other treatment methods to increase the effectiveness of treatment.

10. Thermal chemotherapy (hyperthermia)

  • Description: Hyperthermic chemotherapy is a treatment that locally heats cancer cells to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs. Cancer cells are sensitive to heat, so raising the temperature increases the sensitivity of the cancer cells and makes chemotherapy more effective.
  • Advantages: when combined with chemotherapy, it is expected to improve therapeutic efficacy in advanced or recurrent pancreatic cancer. It has fewer systemic side effects and can be treated locally.


Advanced medical treatment for pancreatic cancer offers a variety of options, such as robot-assisted surgery, heavy-ion radiotherapy, molecular targeted therapy, immunotherapy and cancer genome medicine, depending on the patient’s condition and the progression of the cancer. This enables new treatments for advanced or recurrent cancers that have been difficult to treat with conventional therapies, and is expected to improve the effectiveness of treatment.

Pancreatic cancer is difficult to detect in its early stages, so treatment options for advanced cancer are important.Advanced.

In order to receive medical care, it is important to consult adequately with a specialist and select the appropriate treatment for each individual patient. In addition, new treatment methods such as cancer genome medicine and immunotherapy are expected to be highly effective for specific patients, and personalized medicine is expected to progress further in the future.

Supervisor of the article

Dr. Hiroshi Oka

Director of CAP Laboratory

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Medical Doctor