There are various types of wrinkles.
- Wrinkles on the forehead
- Wrinkles between the eyebrows
- Wrinkles at the corners of the eyes
- Nasolabial fold, nasolabial fold
- Wrinkles and dents under the eyes
- Overall fine wrinkles, crepe wrinkles
1. Wrinkles on the forehead
As you get older, the slack in your upper eyelids makes your eyes less open, and you unknowingly raise your eyebrows and try to open your eyes wide, causing facial wrinkles on your forehead. Forehead Facial Expression Wrinkles can be made less noticeable by injecting botulinum toxin to relieve tension in the frontalis muscles and making the forehead muscles less mobile.
As with the eyebrows, deeply carved wrinkles can be made less noticeable by making the wrinkles shallower with hyaluronic acid.
2. Wrinkles between the eyebrows
Wrinkles between the eyebrows Deep wrinkles between the eyebrows tend to look rugged and can make it difficult to get a good impression. For people who have a habit of wrinkling between the eyebrows (facial expression wrinkles), the most effective method is to stop the movement of the muscles between the eyebrows by injecting botulinum toxin to prevent wrinkles.
You can also inject hyaluronic acid along the wrinkles to make them inconspicuous, even if you don’t have to close your eyebrows. Of course, you can do both.
3. Wrinkles on the outer corners of the eyes
Wrinkles on the outer corners of the eyes are facial expression wrinkles that are created because the facial expressions around the eyes are rich, and are sometimes called laughing wrinkles.
For the treatment of wrinkles on the outer corners of the eyes, botulinum toxin injection, which relieves tension in the orbicularis oculi muscles and makes wrinkles less likely to occur, is effective.
4. Nasolabial fold, nasolabial fold
The vertical wrinkles that appear next to the corners of the mouth along with the sagging cheeks are the nasolabial folds that make people aware of their age, and I think many people are having trouble. Hyaluronic acid injection is effective in making the nasolabial fold inconspicuous. If you have a deep groove (nasolabial fold) on the outside of your nose, you can regain an overall youthful impression by injecting hyaluronic acid to make the groove shallower.
Another improvement can be achieved by using a shopping thread, which is a procedure that lifts the entire cheek by implanting a thread under the skin. This thread is characterized by unraveling and disappearing in about 6 to 8 months, and a lift-up effect appears when connective tissue is reactively formed around the thread until it melts.
5. Wrinkles and dents under the eyes
The eyes are the part that greatly affects the impression of the entire face, and it is also the part that tends to change with age. Depending on how the dents appear, they may look like bears and may even look tired. Injecting hyaluronic acid can make wrinkles and dents less noticeable, and can eliminate problems such as making your face look tired.
6. Overall fine wrinkles, crepe wrinkles
Fundamental measures are effective for overall fine wrinkles and chimen wrinkles. As a method of regaining elasticity to the skin, hyaluronic acid redencity is effective for fine wrinkles and crepe wrinkles as a fundamental skin rejuvenation measure.
As a method of regaining elasticity to the skin, it is effective to inject hyaluronic acid redencity containing a rejuvenating ingredient into the entire skin. In addition, it can be expected to improve the texture of the skin by repeating chemical peeling regularly to improve the turnover of the skin.
Supervising Doctor Hiroko Oka
Botulinum Toxin Injection
Botulinum Toxin Injectionの料金表
施術後、2週間後以降 1ヶ月以内の打ち足しは無料で行います(1回限り)
施術名 | 価格 |
ボツリヌストキシン注射 1部位 | 32,000円 <税込35,200円> |
ボツリヌストキシン注射 エラ | 100,000円 <税込110,000円> |
ボツリヌストキシン注射 両脇 | 59,091円 <税込65,000円> |
【リピート価格】 ボツリヌストキシン注射 両脇 前回の施術より1年以内の来院の場合 |
54,546円 <税込60,000円> |
ボツリヌストキシン注射 手の平 ※麻酔付き |
79,091円 <税込87,000円> |
【リピート価格】 ボツリヌストキシン注射 手の平 ※麻酔付き 前回の施術より1年以内の来院の場合 |
74,546円 <税込82,000円> |
ボツリヌストキシン注射 足の裏 ※麻酔付き |
79,091円 <税込87,000円> |
【リピート価格】 ボツリヌストキシン注射 足の裏 ※麻酔付き 前回の施術より1年以内の来院の場合 |
74,546円 <税込82,000円> |
hyaluronic acid
hyaluronic acidの料金表
施術名 | 価格 |
ヒアルロン酸 0.1CC | 5,000円 <税込5,500円> |
ヒアルロン酸<リデンシティ> 1本 | 45,000円 <税込49,500円> |
ヒアルロン酸<スタイレージ> 1本 | 65,000円 <税込71,500円> |
Thermacool CPT
Thermacool CPTの料金表
施術名 | 価格 |
サーマクールCPT600ショット トライアル | 168,000円 <税込184,800円> |
サーマクールCPT600ショット | 175,000円 <税込192,500円> |
アイズバイサメイジ(目元用)225ショット | 105,000円 <税込115,500円> |
アイズバイサメイジ(目元用)225ショット <同日施術特別価格> |
259,000円 <税込284,900円> |
Shopping Thread
Shopping Threadの料金表
施術名 | 初回トライアル価格 |
ショッピングスレッド 10本 | 32,000円 <税込35,200円> |
施術名 | 10本 | 30本 | 50本 |
ショッピングスレッド | 38,000円 <税込41,800円> |
95,000円 <税込104,500円> |
160,000円 <税込176,000円> |
施術名 | 価格 |
ショッピングトルネード38mm×2本 1セット | 16,500円 <税込18,150円> |
施術名 | 価格 |
ショッピングスレッド 20本 +ショッピングトルネード38mm×2本 |
88,800円 <税込97,680円> |
Massage peel
Massage peelの料金表
施術内容 | トライアル価格 |
全顔 | 10,000円 <税込11,000円> ミニサイズアフターケア付き |
施術内容 | 1回 | 3回 | 6回 |
全顔 | 15,000円 <税込16,500円> |
41,500円 <税込45,650円> |
81,000円 <税込89,100円> |
施術内容 | 1回 | お顔とのセット価格 |
首 | 10,000円 <税込11,000円> |
9,000円 <税込9,900円> |
手の甲 | 9,000円 <税込9,900円> |
8,500円 <税込9,350円> |
施術内容 | 価格 |
全顔 | 21,000円 <税込23,100円> |
部分 | 10,500円 <税込11,550円> |
品名 | 通常 | マッサージピールコース購入者限定 |
WiQo美容液 | 8,000円 <税込8,800円> |
7,000円 <税込7,700円> |
WiQoクリーム | 8,000円 <税込8,800円> |
7,000円 <税込7,700円> |