In consideration of safety, we recommend Thermacool rather than HIFU.
Even those who are new to cosmetology can feel at ease.
About Thermacool CPT
Thermacool is a state-of-the-art medical wrinkle and sagging treatment device that irradiates high frequencies, which was developed next to lasers and photo facials.
Among them, the state-of-the-art third-generation Thermacool CPT has succeeded in improving the “pain” that has been a bottleneck.
“Old Thermacool”-> “Thermacool NXT (Next)”-> “Thermacool CPT” has made great strides, but in the current aesthetic medicine, among the many irradiation-based treatments that do not use a scalpel, For sagging and fine wrinkles, the 3rd generation Thermacool CPT can be said to be the most effective treatment.
The high frequencies used in the 3rd Generation Thermacool CPT work directly on deeper areas than lasers, such as the dermis and muscle layers of loose skin, which are the cause of sagging and wrinkles, which were difficult to reach with conventional treatments.
It works pinpointly on deep areas and cools the surface, so you can tighten loose skin without damaging the surface of the skin.
In addition to wrinkles and sagging on the face, it can be expected to be highly effective for acne, acne scars, bust-up, and neck wrinkles, sagging, and hip-up.
It is also a major feature that it does not cause redness or unnaturalness that people can see after the treatment, so it is not difficult to receive treatment without a long rest.
Unique to Hiro Clinic
Only “Thermacour Certified Physicians” who have completed the prescribed training and are familiar with the treatment will be treated.
At the time of medical examination, we ask about your concerns, examine your skin condition in detail, and devise the irradiation method and distribution according to the symptoms for each patient.
Compared to the old model, the pain is considerably less, but for those who want to receive treatment more relaxedly and those who are not good at pain, it is also possible to infiltrate surface anesthesia first. .. The ingredients and formulations of anesthesia are also devised so that they are gentle on the skin and highly effective.
It is one of the few facilities that has not only Thermacool CPT, which is used as a basic treatment for the face and neck, but also eye (eyes by samage) and body (body therma).
Features of Thermacool CPT
High temperature reaches evenly for a long time
The model of Thermacool CPT introduced in 2009 has improved the chip so that it can be heated more effectively and evenly.
Achieves pain relief with vibration
Thermacool CPT adopts a method of applying heat and vibration at the same time with high frequency RF (radio frequency). This has greatly reduced the pain during treatment. Compared to previous models, Thermacool CPT has significantly reduced pain and can be treated even by people who are not good at pain.
Thermacool CPT treatment flow
You can consult with your doctor in advance if you have any questions or concerns about treatment, and you can feel confident about your treatment. Please try it.
In addition to the treatment using the multiple pass method, we are trying to provide effective irradiation for partial problems. We have also introduced a tip dedicated to the eyes, and we are proposing more effective treatments for improving sagging, fine wrinkles, and firmness around the eyes. Irradiation around the eyes does not seem to cause much pain in the previous irradiation examples. Please try it.
We will discuss in detail which parts are of concern, what kind of effects can be expected, and the treatment methods and risks of Thermacool.
Thoroughly removes facial cleansing makeup and sebum. Also remove the metal accessories you are wearing.
When irradiated, I feel a hot pain in the back of my skin.
Surface anesthesia makes you feel less sensitive to strong heat, and there are cases where you are exposed to too much heat and the risk of burns increases, so the manufacturer recommends treatment without anesthesia.
However, each person feels pain differently, so if you wish, we will give you surface anesthesia (about 30 to 60 minutes).
In this case as well, pay close attention to the intensity of irradiation and use a safe intensity.
Next, make sure that you have removed the metal from your body, and attach the counter electrode to your body. The counter electrode is an adhesive pad that acts as a current escape, although the wearer does not feel anything. -
Attach the tip to the tip of the handpiece. It is the work of pressing the chip to one place and measuring the resistance value of the skin by the machine.
Test irradiation
Perform test irradiation on thick skin such as cheeks and forehead. When irradiating, apply gel to make it easier for high frequency energy to flow.
Main irradiation
First, set the energy. The amount of energy is displayed as a treatment level. The higher the number, the greater the energy applied and the stronger the pain. Therefore, it irradiates with energy suitable for the patient.
In addition, high-frequency energy is reflected in areas where the skin thickness is 3 mm or less, such as under the eyes, temples, and forehead, so high-frequency energy is reflected, so irradiate with a low energy setting. When irradiating, apply gel and press it so that the square surface of the tip is firmly in contact with the skin. At this time, I feel hot and some people feel pain.
When applying to the entire face, first irradiate the entire face evenly. After that, you can expect further effects by repeatedly striking the areas where you are concerned about the opening of pores and slack. -
Finish / Makeup
After the irradiation is finished, wash your face lightly. You can make it as it is.
Therapeutic effects of Thermacool CPT
Immediate tightening effect due to shrinkage of collagen fibers
Collagen fibers support the skin and provide elasticity and flexibility. The heat of high-frequency energy causes the collagen fibers to denature and shrink, resulting in an immediate tightening effect. This is the same principle that when heat is applied to meat, fish, milk, etc., the body burns and tightens, or a film is formed on the surface. It is an effect that you can feel immediately after treatment.
Long-term collagen production during the wound healing process
Humans have the ability to heal wounds themselves. In other words, it is the ability to heal wounds naturally, and it is an effect that makes use of that ability. Collagen that has been once stimulated by heat energy and denatured is rapidly increased in the process of being replaced, and collagen, which is the source of skin tension, increases more than before the treatment. It also has the effect of contracting collagen during the process of wound healing. This work is said to last for about 4-12 weeks, which is a long-term effect.
Supervising Doctor Hiroko Oka
施術名 | 価格 |
サーマクールCPT600ショット トライアル | 168,000円 <税込184,800円> |
サーマクールCPT600ショット | 175,000円 <税込192,500円> |
アイズバイサメイジ(目元用)225ショット | 105,000円 <税込115,500円> |
アイズバイサメイジ(目元用)225ショット <同日施術特別価格> |
259,000円 <税込284,900円> |
- サーマクールも、HIFU治療も、切らないたるみ治療として定評があり、よく比較される治療です。サーマクールは高周波を、HIFUは高密度焦点超音波を作用させ、その熱エネルギーでたるみの引き締めを起こします。
たるみの原因も一つではありません。その方その方に向いている治療が違ったり、手始めにやるには、または予算内で最大に効果を実感できるためにはどれが効果的かなど、お悩みの状態を拝見して相談させていただいていますので、是非一度診察を受けにいらしてください。 - 米国Thetmage社で開発されたサーマクールは通常の光(IPやレーザー治療)よりもはるかに強く長い波長のラジオ波を照射する高周波治療機器で、肌の深層部までエネルギーを与えることができます。
この高周波治療は現在世界的にもっとも注目されている治療で、レーザーやフォトフェイシャルについで出現した第3世代の治療法で、最新アンチエイジング医療機器として特に注目されています。 サーマクールはアメリカFDA(米国食品医薬品局)およびHPFB(カナダ健康製品食品局)からメスを使わない非外科的治療でのフェイスリフトとニキビ治療にその効果とフェイスリフトとニキビ治療に効果の高い医療機器です。 - サーマクールは高周波エネルギーにより熱を与える機械です。その熱によるやけどなどを心配される方がいらっしゃいますが、サーマクールから照射される高周波エネルギーは表皮の奥2.5~3mmの部分に直接届き表面はしっかり冷却されますので傷をつけずに肌の奥だけに熱を与えます。
- サーマクールの高周波エネルギーがコラーゲン繊維を収縮させ、お肌に引き締め効果と張りをもたらす効果があります。この効果は高周波エネルギーの熱によりダメージを受けたような状態になります。そのコラーゲン繊維が自然治癒の過程で収縮し、この収縮が4週間~12週続きます。これが長期的な効果となります。また、熱を与えることにより毛穴の開きやニキビ、ニキビ跡にも効果的です。
- 基本的には1回です。3ヶ月以上間隔が空いていれば更なる効果をお望みであれば照射は可能です。また定期的に照射することでコラーゲン変性の割合が高く、より効果的です。
- ショット数によりますが、照射時間は30~90分程度です。
- 痛みは体質で異なりますが、当クリニックでは内服薬の選択もできます。また施術中もサーマクールのレベルを調節しながら照射いたしますのでご安心ください。
- サーマクールはノーダウンタイム、つまり術後の回復時間が必要ありませんので、照射直後から洗顔やメイクなどを行っていただけます。稀にほんのりとお顔に赤みの出る方もいらっしゃいますが、ほとんどの場合数時間で治まります。
- サーマクールはお肌に熱を与える治療ですので、照射後は十分保湿されることをお勧めします。また当日は激しい運動・飲酒・ご入浴はお控えください。(シャワーは問題ありません)
- 以下の項目にあてはまる方は治療できません(※ご不明な点はお気軽にお問い合わせください)
- ペースメーカーや埋め込み式徐細動器を入れている方
- 金属プレートを埋め込んでいる方(歯のインプラントを除く)
- 糖尿病の方、ケロイド体質により創傷治癒に問題のある方
- 治療部位に感染性の皮膚疾患がある方、化膿性皮膚疾患のある方
- 妊娠している方
- 心臓疾患、出血性疾患のある方
- 悪性腫瘍またはその疑いのある方
- 発熱している方