About earrings
We perform piercing of ear lobes, navel, etc.
Some people open it by themselves or at a piercing shop in the city, but some of them get suppurated by filthy treatment, and even though they have a painful feeling, only the wound remains and they can come to the treatment or piercing by themselves. In some cases, you may be asked to re-open the hole, such as when you made a hole in the hole but it didn’t work and the direction was wrong.
At our hospital, we perform clean and secure drilling. We also use first earrings for metal allergies, which are safe for people with metal allergies. In addition, we provide guidance on post-treatment procedures and take home medicines for external use. If you have any skin problems later, we will provide aftercare, so please feel free to contact us.
For navel piercing, local anesthesia is given. It hurts at first, but please be assured that the anesthesia will be effective immediately and you will not feel any pain during the procedure.
Peace of mind with the treatment of a professional doctor
Drilling is done by a professional doctor using specialized medical equipment. You can rest assured that the clean operation will prevent germs from entering and purifying.
Complete support with full aftercare
In the unlikely event that a problem occurs after drilling, we can treat it without blocking the hole, which was the case in most cases. Leaving an inflamed hole can lead to metal allergies and infections.
Supervising Doctor Hiroko Oka
施術名 | 価格 | |
片耳たぶピアス | 1ヵ所 | 5,000円 <税込5,500円> ピアス・化膿止めの薬込み |
へそピアス | 1ヵ所 | 10,000円 <税込11,000円> ピアス・化膿止めの薬・麻酔込み |
- お持ち込みの場合
ご自身でお持ちいただいたピアスが材質や形状に問題がなければ、お使いして開けることも可能ですがはじめの2週間~1ヶ月位はファーストピアスのご使用をお勧めします。 - 当院では最も金属アレルギーを起こしにくい、医療用の純チタン製ファーストピアスを使用しております。
安心でしょう。 - ピアスのしこりの症状は4階皮膚科・形成外科にて受診をお願い致します。