hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid injection into wrinkles such as spinach

I recommend this hotel

  • Improvement of deeply carved wrinkles
  • Improvement of spinal glands and marionette net lines
  • Improvement of dents under the eyes and bears
  • Improvement of dents in the upper eyelids
  • Formation of tear bag
  • Raise your nose
  • Improvement of temple dents
  • Make your lips plump
  • Shape your chin
  • Breast augmentation

About hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is originally found in the human body and has excellent water retention, keeping the skin firm and elastic.
By injecting this hyaluronic acid directly into the wrinkles and dents and lifting it, you can lift the wrinkles and dents to make them flat and inconspicuous.
Depending on the application and injection site, select the appropriate one from various hardness ones and use it.
The soft type hyaluronic acid is suitable for areas with thin skin such as near the eyes, and the slightly harder type is used for areas with firm skin such as nasolabial folds.
If you want to raise your nose or sharpen your chin, use a stiffer one.
In recent years, a new concept of hyaluronic acid containing skin activating ingredients has also appeared (Rednessity), which improves the texture of the skin while being absorbed, and by repeating treatment, it is not just to shape the skin, but gradually. It is now possible to continue to improve the skin itself.

Beautiful skin hyaluronic acid Redensity

Conventional hyaluronic acid emphasizes lifting wrinkles and dents and shaping them neatly, and has little effect on preventing aging of the skin itself or rejuvenating the skin. New concept Hyaluronic acid Redensity (Redensity) contains 8 kinds of amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, etc. as ingredients that activate the skin and prevent aging, in addition to hyaluronic acid with a very smooth texture. It increases the water content of the skin and causes a reaction that rejuvenates the texture. By injecting it into the area of ​​concern, you can perform fundamental aging care * that not only lifts wrinkles. At first, if you repeat it about 3 times at intervals of about 3 weeks, your skin will improve further.


Characteristics of hyaluronic acid

By injecting hyaluronic acid along the wrinkles and dents, you can get the immediate effect of making the wrinkles and dents less noticeable.
It has an excellent effect of making the part that is pinpointed inconspicuous directly, and gives a youthful impression. You can also shape it by injecting hyaluronic acid subcutaneously where you want it to swell.

Flow of hyaluronic acid treatment

  • counseling
  • Anesthesia applied upon request
  • cool down
  • Hyaluronic acid injection
  • Skin up

Effect of hyaluronic acid treatment

There are several treatments that make nasolabial folds, wrinkles and sagging less noticeable, but hyaluronic acid injection, which pushes and lifts the skin from the inside of the skin, is the most common, easy and effective.
By injecting hyaluronic acid along the wrinkles and dents, you can get the immediate effect of making the wrinkles and dents less noticeable.
In addition, you can feel the effect immediately and there is little downtime, so you can make up after the treatment, so there is no effect on your daily life.
At Hiro Clinic, it is possible not only to inject hyaluronic acid into the nasolabial fold to lift the skin plumply, but also to delicately design the face by adding or reducing unevenness while looking at the overall balance.
Our “Mille-feuille shot” is also a popular treatment, in which hard hyaluronic acid is injected into the lower part of the inside of the skin and soft hyaluronic acid is injected into the upper part.
By properly using the hardness of hyaluronic acid on the inner surface of the skin, it is possible to design the natural roundness of the skin on the surface and lift the deeply carved nasolabial fold in the deep part of the inside.

Internal bleeding may occur at the treatment site.
The cause of internal bleeding is that the needle accidentally hits an invisible capillary.
Normally, it disappears without leaving a mark in about 1 to 2 weeks.
You can apply make-up from the day of treatment, so even if you have internal bleeding, you can hide it with a foundation or concealer. Immediately after treatment, it may look swelling depending on the day, but it can be adjusted by pushing it.
It will settle in your skin in about 2 weeks. On the day of injection, if you do not apply strong heat, avoid pressing hard or massaging, and do not tamper with the injected site more than necessary, it will not interfere with your normal daily life.

Supervising Doctor Hiroko Oka


施術名 価格
ヒアルロン酸 0.1CC 5,000円 <税込5,500円>
ヒアルロン酸<リデンシティ> 1本 45,000円 <税込49,500円>
ヒアルロン酸<スタイレージ> 1本 65,000円 <税込71,500円>




医療用ヒアルロン酸には、関節治療用と美容整形用があります。関節治療用のヒアルロン酸はすぐに吸収されてしまうので、美容治療には向きません。 一方美容用のヒアルロン酸は製品によって分子の大きさや架橋がことなり、治療効果が長く持続するように作られています。また、医療用・美容用どちらのヒアルロン酸もバイオテクノロジーで作られた非動物由来製剤ですので、感染の心配はありません。






ヒアルロン酸注射後は通常の日常生活ができますので、治療後すぐにメイクをされてもかまいません。 入浴や運動も可能ですが、当日注入部位への強いマッサージはお控えください。

目の下のくまについてですが、くぼみで陰になる状態がお気になるということでしたら、その部分だけ即効性に改善する方法としてはヒアルロン酸が向いています。 ヒアルロン酸注入には極細の針を使用し、また、ヒアルロン酸自体に麻酔を混ぜた製剤を使用しておりますので、お痛みは大変軽くなっております。 どの患者様もほとんどおつらくないとおっしゃっていただける程度です。
注射が苦手、注射のリスク(内出血など)が心配という場合には、皮膚自体を引き締めてハリを出し、くまや小じわを目立たなくしてゆく、機械を当てる治療などもございます。 実際の状態を拝見して、一番気になる症状やご希望に合った治療法をご案内させていただきます。


ヒアルロン酸注入は、気になるシワをピンポイントに、またすぐに目立たなくしたい時におすすめです。シワを持ち上げ、平らに見せる効果に優れています。 徐々に分解され、半年程度で徐々にシワが復活してきますので、定期的に注入を繰り返す必要があります。料金はシワの深さや使用量により異なりますが、最低5万円程度は必要なことが多いです。

症状を拝見して、適切な治療方法をご案内させていただき、当日ご希望であればそのまま治療をお受けいただく事も可能です。 カウンセリングが30分弱、治療はヒアルロン酸ですと20分程度です。

